Tagged: design museum

Design Museum Designs of the Year Announced

Winners of Designs of the Year Announced

The Design Museum, London,  has announced the seven category winners of the 2014 Designs of the Year competition. This annual prestigious event celebrates the best design talent and innovation from a unique range of fields and now that the winners of each category have been announced they will be judged against each other to decide which earns the outcome of Design of the Year.

someday the other museums will be showing this stuff designs of the year design museum

The seven winners were taken from the categories of Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Furniture, Graphic, Product and Transport design and included designs from a global audience. Here are the category winners (pictures) alongside the designs they were pitted against:



Façade For Paul Smith, Albemarle Street, Mayfair, London
Frac Centre – Les Turbulences, Orléans
Frac Nord-pas De Calais, Dunkerque
La Tallera Siqueiros, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Makoko Floating School, Nigeria
Mont De Marsan Mediatheque
Museo Jumex, Mexico City
Newhall Be, Harlow, Essex
Praça Das Artes Performing Arts Centre, São Paulo
St Moritz Church, Augsburg, Germany, Interior Renovation
The New Crematorium At The Woodland Cemetery, Stockholm




Hello Lamp Post
Lego Calendar
Metro Trains – Dumb Ways To Die
Oculus Rift
Public Lab Foldable Mini-spectrometer
Sidekick Creatives – Crowdfunding Great Art & Design
Touch Board: Interactivity Everywhere


Winner: PRADA S/S14

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PcMUngg39Y]

Christian Dior S/s13
Das Collection
Rick Owens S/s14 Show Presentation
The Hinterland Of Ronaldo Fraga
‘totemic’ Collection By Sadie Williams
Tracey Neuls Bike Geek



furniture PRO CHAIR FAMILY designs of the year

Bodleian Library Chair
New Interior For United Nations North Delegates’ Lounge (new York)
Ripple, An Ultra Light Timber Table
‘simple’ Exhibition At Projectb Gallery, Milan



graphics DRONE SHADOWS designs of the year

A Magazine Curated By Stephen Jones
Artdirectorsclub: Art Directors Annual 91
Building Stories
Castledown Primary School Type Family
Creation And Realisation Of The Visual Identity And The Signage System Of The Frac Provence-alpes-côte-d’azur
Escuyer Undergarment Brand Identity
M To M Of M/m (paris)
Serpentine Galleries Identity
The Gourmand – A Food And Culture Journal
Whitney Museum Identity
Works That Work, A Magazine Of Unexpected Creativity



[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP-Tzq3hFgQ]

75 Watt
Abc Syringe: A Behaviour Changing Syringe
Alba Collection Of Vases
Chair 4 Life
Clever Caps
Formlabs Form 1high-resolution Desktop 3d Printer
Gopro Hero 3+ Black
Luffa Lab
Nest Protect: Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Pet Lamp
Plume Mudguard
Risk Centre
Silk Pavilion
String Lights
The Alchemist’s Dressing Table
The Bradley Timepiece


Winner: XL1 CAR

transport XL1 CAR designs of the year design museum

Obree Electric Bike
Ifmove Bicycle
Me.we: Forward-thinking Car
Single Seat Aircraft

Th category winners and the other 69 nominees are currently on show at the Design Museum in the Designs of the Year 2014 Exhibition and they will be viewable until 25 August this year. The overall winner of Design of the Year 2014 will be announced on 30 June.

For more information on the Designs of the Year Exhibition visit the Design Museum website HERE and for full details about all nominees and category winners click HERE

Design Digest

A weekly roundup of this weeks design news and hottest topics.


Custom Life-Sized 3D Printed Dolls

3D printing may well be the future of design and, in particular, the future of customisable design. But perhaps there needs to be a line drawn already. Californian based company 3D Babies have released images this week of how you might be able to hold your soon-to-be child in your hands before he or she is born. The Indiegogo crowd source funded company uses 4D ultrasound scans to create life-size, 8-inch replicas of 23-24 week foetuses and print them using 3D printing technology. All shipped to you in a handy satin-lined wooden box for the price of $600 (£360).

3d babies

What do you think?


Bar Stalls and Benches Built Using Discarded Roof Tiles

Eindhoven based designer Tsuyoshi Hayashi looks to partly solve the challenge of recycling ceramic waste products. Taking Japanese roof tiles that would be otherwise discarded, Hayashi mounts the tiles on simple wooden frames to great attractive, functional furniture.

tile chairs


Separating Eggs

Not the first, but certainly unique and playful. Peleg design have designed the ‘Yolkfish’ a gulping goldfish capable of the age-old challenge of separating the white from the yellow. Watch the video below to see it in action.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRUDZhvpNzU]


Musical Symphony made with Bicycle Parts

Bike and music lovers rejoice. JohnnyRandom has created ‘bespoken’ an exploration of sounds generated by bicycles and their components. Take a listen below.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn7AiutdS2c]


Barber Osgerby: In The Making

The Design Museum’s latest exhibition In The Making opened Wednesday this week, curated by award winning and well celebrated designers Barber & Osgerby. In The Making captures over 20 objects mid-manufacture showing them off at the ‘centre-stage’ of their design process. Read our full article HERE.

in the making 3


A New Look For The Sunday Times

This weekend The Sunday Times will reveal a brand new look and redesign. The in-house created work aims to bring a ‘brighter’ feel to the newspaper. Described as ‘evolution rather than revolution’ the most noticeable change will be that of the Sunday Times Magazine becoming taller and thinner.

times redesign

Barber Osgerby: In the Making

The Design Museum’s latest exhibition In The Making opened yesterday, curated by award winning and well celebrated designers Barber & Osgerby.

Open from now until May 4th, In The Making captures over 20 objects mid-manufacture showing them off at the ‘centre-stage’ of their design process. An interesting range of products have been chosen by the British design duo, from everyday objects such as a cricket bat, £2 coin and coke can to Barber Osgerby’s very own London 2012 Olympic Torch, which won the Design Museum’s Design of the Year in 2012.

in the making 2
Cricket Bat / Barber & Osgerby / Derwent Pencils

The objects have been selected because they each have an unexpected  quality about them in those moments, hours or days before they assume  their final, recognisable form. These points in the making process capture a  peculiar and unconventional slice of time in the production of everyday  objects such as tennis balls, banknotes and even diamonds.The Design Museum

in the making
Optic Lens / Exhibition Graphics / Aluminium Can

Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby comment ‘We have always been  fascinated by the making process as it is an integral part of our work. We have curated an exhibition that will provide a platform to capture and reveal  a frozen moment in the manufacturing process and unveils an everyday
object in its unfinished state. Often the object is as beautiful, if not more so,  than the finished product!’

What: In The Making
Where: Design Museum, SE1 2YD
When: 22 January – 4 May
Price: Adult £12.40 / Student £9.30

Visit designmuseum.org for more information

Also currently showing at the Design Museum:

Extraordinary Storiesends 9 March