Category: Whats On



The 2016/17 programme of IMechE events starts with events in the next 2 weeks on sustainabilty at Ricardos, Digital Railways at London Underground and Brweing at Hepworths brewery. A full list of events is here –


The Public viewing of First year Product Design work will be in the Design Studio from 09.30 to 17.00 on 14th May. The 2nd year public event will be from 11.00 to 17.00 on 18th May, and 09.30 to 17.00 on 19th May.  The Final year exhibition is supported by a number of sponsors including UK Power Networks and will be in central Brighton’s Jubilee Square from 10.00 to 18.00 on 1st and 2nd June, and 10.00 to 16.00 on 3rd June. Information about this exhibition is available on line here. Please take the time to visit each exhibition and talk about the work on display.


MEDS_call for participants_EnglandBritain

‘Meeting of Design Students’ (MEDS) holds an annual design workshop which is hosted by a different country each summer. Bringing together 200 creative students from 30+ countries, MEDS offers a chance to learn, network, design & build… and, of course, party!