A talk on the biology of ageing by Professor Richard Faragher, as part of the Ageing Well Festival
Why do some people live to be over a hundred and remain in good health while others develop illnesses in their seventies? Is healthy ageing down to genetics? How important are lifestyle decisions? In this talk Richard Faragher, Professor of Biogerontology at the University of Brighton, discusses some of the big unanswered questions that remain in the biology of ageing. He covers some of the things that can extend a healthy life, from exercise to a good diet, but also why the experts agree that there is something special about the biology of humans who survive more than a century, despite sometimes not having led particularly healthy lives.
This talk was part of the Ageing Well Festival
Professor Richard Faragher is Professor of Biogerontology, School of Applied Sciences and Centre for Stress and Age-Related Disease.
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