LM111 Week 8

In todays lesson Maria tort the class about surveillance, dataveillance and consumption online. From my notes from the lesson I learnt what surveillance is. It is ‘watching a recording others activities as a means of monitoring and supervising them’ (Lyon, 2002). This sort of surveillance will be used on places like high streets, supermarkets and banks. The surveillance cameras would normally be used for security purposers for suspicious acts.

There two different types of records. Public records witch which consist on both, marriage and death certificate, electoral registers, council tax revisits and medical records. This sort of records are controlled by the governemnt. The other type of records are private records. This consists of store loyalty cards, frequent flyer data, car rental and traffic control camera database. This records recorded is done irately with this producer and consumer.

This links to the data we register in social media. We give personal information such as name, gender date of birth, nationality ethnic orgin and this links to the  surveillance though suscation. when we see the option to get discount, freebees and sign up for competisitons online, we are willing got give away personal information just to get something from the internet and in store.

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One thought on “LM111 Week 8

    1. Have I used 250 words? Y
    2. Have I used the required writing style, including first person reflection? Y – yes, this post used first person in a more prominent fashion – e.g. started in the first person
    3. Have I illustrated my understanding of key readings through my critical discussion of theories or concepts relevant to this week’s topic? OK – though more briefly and in general terms compared to your other posts
    4. Have I explained these concepts in my own words? Y
    5. Have I included short quotes from the readings? Y
    6. Have I chosen examples from my own experience to illustrate? OK
    7. Have I used Harvard in text referencing? (http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm) for all academic readings and online sources used in my blog post? Y
    8. Have I mentioned discussions that took place during this week’s seminar? N
    9. Have I met the submission deadline? Y


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