portfolio- Chris arran


Chris Arran’s online portfolio is very visually striking and engaging. On the home page there is a quirky moving image and a boarder with different sections to explore. The gif particulary stood out to me as the image changes, I like this effect as it made me stay on the home page for longer than expected and added a light hearted feel. 

I was then intrigued to start looking at other elements on the page, beginning with the ‘illustration’ tab and working my way across. The work was displayed in a grid format and you can view the illustrations larger once clicking on them. The bold colours of the work and the way they are postioned close together leads the eye down the page and the colours constrast well together. The  way the work has been displayed almost resembles the same style of the work as it is very busy and congested which compliments each piece and expresses Chris’ style, showing he is maintaining his brand indentity throughout his portfolio. 

Another part which appealed to me about this portfolio was the way it included video content.  The video added a different way of viewing the work and also allowed Chris to add a personal touch and showcases his personality. 

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