portfolio- my website


For my first attempt at designing my own website i decided to use Wix as it provides a variety of free templates and is easy to use. I began designing by experimenting with where I wanted my logo to be positioned. I decided i wanted it to be placed in the centre, at the top of the page so it was the first thing people noticed when viewing my page and the images of my work could follow below. 

I then bgean looking a different layouts for the images on my home page. I chose a layout that allowed the images to be placed in 2 collumns with an arrow to navigate down the page. When hovering over an image it also comes up with the title of the shoot. You can click on one of the images and it will take you the a page where the rest of the images from the shoot are scattered around the page. in different sizes. The different pages were postioned on the top right in a light grey font and included ‘Work, Welcome, Portfolio, Info and Print’s. When clicking on the portfolio page i changed the layout to a slide show of images from diffrerent shoots.

I liked the home page because it included  different catergories and the layout allowed me to seperate each shoot and title them down the page, however i do not think the home page looks as minimal as i would like and noticed how some catergories were being covered by my name. I like how when clicking on a shoot all the images come up in a grid like format with small spaces between them however felt this look very busy and didnt do some of the photographs justice as some were smaller than others which removed some of there detail. The slide show on my portfolio meant the images appeared small with the more shoots i added which made me not want to use this feature for my final website. 

One thought on “portfolio- my website

  1. Wer sein Badezimmer aufwerten möchte, sollte unbedingt bei Badmöbel vorbeischauen. Die Möbel sehen nicht nur super aus, sondern sind auch preislich absolut im Rahmen. Mir gefallen besonders die Kombinationen aus verschiedenen Materialien. Das gibt dem Badezimmer einen ganz eigenen Charakter. Auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung wert!

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