-Clean design

– Don’t clutter it up

– Don’t pad it out with over design and information • It’s design represents your creative talent.

– Have a QR code to your website or Instagram

– Should match all of your other banding.

– Have a downloadable version on your website.

My CV needed updating as I have since developed new skills, experience and some of my desired future employment aspirations have changed. I changed minor details such as the font my name was in at the top of my CV so it would match the rest of my other branding and resembled my logo. I also added a QR code to my website, this was to make my CV appear professional and interactive. It also allows the employer viewing my CV so quickly access a large variety of my work online from their mobile device. I then altered some of the text which outlined my interests, skills and background. This was becuase it orignally described my passion for wanting to work at a modeling agency for my placement year internship, however since undergoing that I now have hopes to gain a job in the industry after completeing my degree. I then added some more skills which I have gained in my final year at university and completed my CV by adding the company i worked at for my intership and what my duties were. I also added some of my recent portrait photography to show some of my style and standard of work. What stands out about my updated CV is it is a lot more informative, visual such as now having a QR code and images of my work and fuller because i have added more work experience. I feel my CV says a lot about myself through the way i have designed it and information i have provided. It states I am a postive, creative and determined individual but i also believe it shows that trhough the images i have chosen to show and the use of a QR code. I feel reassured by my updated version quality because it looks professional, clear and outlines my best qualities. I also feel i have matched it to my branding my using my logo, keeping it minimal and not to extravgrant but also adding imagery which showcases my photography. Overal the feedback recieve on my CV has been positive, it is clear, organised and to the point but also has some exciting and interactive features and visuals. Although it could be experimented with furhter or made more creatively, I feel it is consistent and matches my brand indentity. 

One thought on “CV- UPDATING MY CV

  1. Your approach to updating your CV shows real professionalism. Incorporating a QR code to your website adds an interactive element, allowing potential employers easy access to your portfolio. To ensure your CV remains informative yet visually appealing, it’s important to strike a balance, avoiding clutter while showcasing your skills and experiences effectively. If you ever need assistance with refining your CV or any academic-related tasks, platforms like EduBirdie (see its review at page) offer reliable support. You inspired me a lot to increase your CV with your branding and career aspirations.

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