portfolio- Nicole ngai


Nicole Ngai’s website was another one i was drawn too because the layout and some elements were different to other websites i have visited. On the home page there is a slide show layout where you can flick through some of the photographers work whilst remaing on the homepage. Nicole’s logo was also in a bright red font as the top of the page against a black background which is what i noticed first. I feel like the red on black makes the name of the photographer very memorbale and stands out. The black background futhermore makes the images spotlighted and detailed. The different sections to explore on Nicoles page are placed on the top right and are titled ‘Editorials, Personal, Shop, About’, I like how delicate they are in contrast to the logo but how they are still easy to see in a white font against the black and all the colours compliment eachother.

Once clicking the ‘Editoral’’ tab to view some more of the photographer work the layout does not change and the slide show way of viewing the work continues with arrows to nativage. 

On Nicole’s about page there is an image of her and some text, however it is very minimal and short. You are provided with important infomation only such as where she is based,contact details and social handles. I almost like how the photographer hasnt given away any personal infomation about herself or motivations behind her work. This leaves me wanting to know more about her, However i feel i would prefer to have some more text to read and to gage more about her personality as i feel it is a suitable platform to do so.

One thought on “portfolio- Nicole ngai

  1. I love the design of Nicole Ngai’s website! The bold red logo on the black background really stands out and makes her name memorable. The slideshow on the homepage is a great way to showcase her work while keeping the viewer engaged. I love photography, but I am so busy with my college tasks, that there is no time for hobby. I decided to search online and found mba essay editing services that might help with my project. I read the full review and hope it will let me to get better the Nicole’s minimalist approach and know more about this direction. I also appreciate how it keeps the focus on her stunning photography.

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