fmp- heather glazzard. The artist shooting their queer friends in quarantine over FaceTime


Heather Glazzard used factime to screen shot and capture photographs of her friends. What stands out the most in the images are the people in them, how they are dressed, posing and their homes in the background. As you keep looking you begin to study the people more in depth, questioning how they must be feeling during this time, where abouts in the world they are and other elements in the background. You also notice the photograph in the top right corner and begin to study them and how they are taking the photo. What the shoot tells me about the photographer is she is trying to use this series to connect and remain creative. I like how you can also see her in the shots as it is almost like a double self portrait of the subject and herself. In the background it gives you a insight into the subjects homes and you begin to imagine parts of their character. The feelings behind the work to me are postive and lighthearted. I think the meaning behind the work is to maintain connections with loved ones and I think the shoot shows how we are communicating and staying in touch with the outside world online.

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