fmp- Lin Zhipeng Quarantine in Photos


Lin Zhipeng also documented his time in quarantine. What I like how the images is how they were not portraits of himself but photographs of his home, animals, pocessions. What stands out in the images are the subject he is focusing on for example the mask, cats eye, shaving foam, socks and tree. I think you notice the subjects more as they automatically relate to things we have all be constantly seeing lately. As you continue to study the photographs you begin to noitce the background more and imagine what his home may look like from the colours and objects. I particually like the image of the mask as it is shot infront a window and curtain. The curtain almost resembles the way we can not go or see outside but the light shining through suggests their is hope and makes you imagine what the outside of his window looks like. The background in the images are also very plain and do not show a lot of his home which I think adds mystery to photograph and links to how limited we are to seeing other things at the moment. I think the meaning behind the images is to show life in lockdown and how we often take things for granted such as the outside world, pets and nature. 

fmp- heather glazzard. The artist shooting their queer friends in quarantine over FaceTime


Heather Glazzard used factime to screen shot and capture photographs of her friends. What stands out the most in the images are the people in them, how they are dressed, posing and their homes in the background. As you keep looking you begin to study the people more in depth, questioning how they must be feeling during this time, where abouts in the world they are and other elements in the background. You also notice the photograph in the top right corner and begin to study them and how they are taking the photo. What the shoot tells me about the photographer is she is trying to use this series to connect and remain creative. I like how you can also see her in the shots as it is almost like a double self portrait of the subject and herself. In the background it gives you a insight into the subjects homes and you begin to imagine parts of their character. The feelings behind the work to me are postive and lighthearted. I think the meaning behind the work is to maintain connections with loved ones and I think the shoot shows how we are communicating and staying in touch with the outside world online.

fmp-Covid 19 Project Update

Unfortunately due to Covid 19 I have had to make changes to my project. As I can no longer go outise, source models, shoot on location and have access to the university facilies and software, I have had to change my original concept slightly and cancel all shoots I had planned for the future. As my fmp project concept was based on youth I am able to use myself as a model and muse for my project going forward and am planning to document my time in quarantine. 

As it is something I have never experiened living in before I think it would interesting to document. I am going to do a self portrait series and experiement which photographing myself using the self timer setting on my camera. I want the series to express how I am feeling in lockdown, what I am doing and how I look. As the only contact I have with the outside world will be virtural I am also going screenshot picture of online firends to capture what they are doing at home. 

Before starting my self portrait series I am going to research how other artists and photographers have docuemnted their time in quarantined. This will inspire me and motivate me to get creative at home. I am also going to research self portraiture photography and begin to to make as tudio at home.  I am going to keep my camera on me at all times, even on my daily walks to capture things that inspire me and represent the unprecedented times we are living in .