fmp- Gender moodboard

The concept of my final shoot is going to be about youth in drag, it will be a mixture of nightlife and portrait photograhy documenting the transformation process. I want the images to embrace creativty, break gender stereotypes  and normalise make up being worn my men. The locations for the shoot will be a drag club in Brighton and a subjects home. In the club I will capture a vartiety of drag queens, dancing and performing to capture the atmopshere and different looks. The shoot at home I will take some natutal portraits of my model before transforming then capture the process of him getting ready to the end result. The colours will be very bright and vibrant to link to the artistic and high energy mood. The shoot will link to activism as being dressed it drag can be viewed as politcal and social statement and i want to challenge the way people view gender in youth. Drag also has links to the LGBTQ community and I want to celebrate inclusitvtiy and sexuality. 

fmp-Youth in Love moodboard

The concept for this shoot is about youth in love and coming of age relationships. I want to photograph a young couple posing in intimate, candid ways to show how youth attach themselves to romantic realationships as a form of escape and to show the intense feeling of being young and in love. The location for the shoot is going to be inside my subjects home, taking a mixture of photographs in different rooms where I feel couples are most intimate. Shooting inside the subjects home will make the images more genuine as the subjects will be comfortable, natural and personal. I want the series of images to include nude portriats and be provactive and overwhelming to capture how being young and in love can become an obession and addictive. I am going to do a shoot of a hetrosexual and and homosexual couple. I want the two shoots to compliment eachother by showing how love has no gender. Therefore it would be an interesting concepts to combine and mix the two shoots together to create a caotic collage, minicking the highs and lows of being in love. I want people to be to connect with my subject and how they are feeling which is why i am going to shoot real life couples as the images will be legitimate.  The meaning behind the shoot is to show how young love is very much real, valid and if not even more intense when expierenced for the first time. I want to capture how it feels, the good and the bad through provocative, seuxally heightend portraits. 

fmp-The Face Of Modern Youth moodboard

The next shoot is going based on ‘the face of the modern youth’. The aim for shoot is to photograph a range of different young people which embrace indiviuality, difference and challenge the concept of beauty. Being young in todays generation from experience I know the pressures youth face when it comes to fitting into society’s standards of beauty and it can be a difficult time trying to be yourself. Therefore I want to take a variety of close up and long shot potraits of people in the same location to showcase the features and bodies and highlight how we are all unique and beautifu in our own way. For the location I am going to shoot some portraits outside for the purpose of natural light and some against a plain white wall so mimic  model polaroids and prioritise the model by making them the main focus. I want the models to be shot quite still and capture them from different angles to really showcase their features and physiques. 


The concept for my next shoot is going to on modern masculinity particulary for men of colour and redefining sterotypes, taking a similar portrait style approach from Yann Faucher. I want the images to capture modern masculinity in a positive way and remove the idea of toxic masculinity. I want my imagines to celebrate male bodies, emotions, vulnerability in the comfort of my subjects home. The inspiration to focus of men of colour came from reading JJ Bola’s Masculinity Redefined book. The location for this shoot is going to be in my subjects bedroom. I want to shoot in a bedroom as i feel it will create genuine, personal images and reveal snippets of my subjects personality and character. I also think subjects will be as ease and comfortable shooting in their home, posing topless and be themselves. The mood I want my images to have is soft, warm and pure. I want to shoot on a day where i can capture my subject in bright, natural light to emphasize their phyqiue and feaures. The meaning behind the shoot is to change the concept of masculinity for men of colour and remove stereotypes.

fmp-Moodboards For Upcoming shoots. Rave culture

The concept for my first shoot is going to be based on rave culture, taking inspiration fron Nan Goldin and Wolfgang Tillman. I want the images to capture modern youth and the drum and bass music culture in Brighton. My aim is  to shoot natural photographs of people dancing and partying in a club. The location of the shoot is going to be at Volks Nightclub in Brighton. I chose this location as it is one of most popular drum and bass clubs, a lot of people are young university students who go to the club to escape and connect with likeminded individuals. The location  will include bright colours from the strobe lights which will link to the high energy mood I want images to convey. I also think the dingy club with dark lighting will fit the mood I am trying to create and resemble a similar style to Wolfgang Tillmans. The club has a very old, worn down apperaence. I want the shoot to be raw and natural and I want to photograph random people in the moment so the images are genuine and truly depict modern club goers. However I will plan to photograph some friends which dj and dance at club often. The meaning behind the shoot is going to capture modern youth and the importance of music as a form of activism and freedom. It will link to activsm and to me dancing is a way of resistance and it will have polItical links by portraying britain in the uncertain time it is currently in.

fmp-Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert Poster Boys Exhibition Deconstructing Masculinity


Joseph Ohlert has a similar style of photography as Yann Faucher and often takes portraits of young men and his shoots are aimed to deconstruct what it means to be masculine. I like his work as he photographs a range of models who are different races,ages and body types which i feel depicts what masculinity looks like today more realistcally. What stands out the most in his work are the models bodies, poses and expressions. His images are intersting as they are often shot in bedrooms and homes which you can see in the background, I feel this creates a connection between the photographer and subject and captures in them in comfortable state which also shows parts of their character. 

fmp-Yann Faucher. Capturing modern masculinity series


Yann Fauchers modern masculinity series captures emotive photos of young men. I was drawn to the series as I like his choice of models and how the shoot captures them in raw, vulnerable ways. When you first see the images I feel the body of his subjects is the first thing you look at and then their faces. I think you notice their body from the way they are posing, often lying down which excentuates it and as they are shot topless or in underwear. As you keep looking at the images I feel you begin to connect their body language and facial expressions to how they may be feeling. The images show the men in detail but remain mysterious. There is often little space around the subject and the colours are very neautral and soft. I think the feelings behind the work are to capture moden masuclinity in softer, romanticized way. I think the images show men and their bodies in raw, natural ways and do not represent any modern stereotypes.