FMP-Robert Mapplethorpe. Altars


Another photgraphy book I came across when exploring archives was  Robert Mapplethorpes’ Altars. The book inclued very intimate, nude black and white portraits. I found the images interesting as they were uncensored and documented the body in comparison to greek statues and sexual relationships. I also liked how they were framed with geometirc shapes, mounted on colours and laid out in a collage. The subjects he captured in his photographers were almost always in the centre with very little space around them. Making them the main focus and adding to the very striking, brazen feel of the imaes. I like how he often captured the same subject but in way that shows their movement throughout time for example the image of the two men kissing. This almost resembles film stills or a self timer style of  photography and celebrates self expression and sexuality. What the photographs tell me about the Robert Mapplethorpe is that he is a very controverisal and provocative photographer. His images are very shocking and portray intimate relationships and takes away the uncomfortable feeling people may have when seeing the naked body.

2 thoughts on “FMP-Robert Mapplethorpe. Altars

  1. I love art and photography, and I consider the Robert Mapplethorpe’s work to be intellectually stimulating during college years. It’s essential for college students to balance their creative pursuits with academic responsibilities. This is where homework help for college students becomes valuable. Students can improve their academic performance while indulging in artistic initiatives creating a college experience that nurtures both their intellectual and creative growth.

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