Germain Greer: Author and feminist



Germaine Greer is an author and feminist. She has written books on feminism, sex, politics and has made very controversial comments. Although she is very out spoken, she speaks openly about her personal views. Her books are unfiltered and make you question your way of thinking about how women are viewed. From reading her books I feel she is not a feminist who wants women to be equal to men but she is a feminist who wants to celebrate and liberate them.

3 thoughts on “Germain Greer: Author and feminist

  1. As a student, I have come to appreciate the works of authors like Germaine Greer, who fearlessly express their thoughts on feminism, sex, and politics. Greer’s unfiltered books challenge my preconceived notions and encourage me to reevaluate how women are perceived in society. One valuable resource I found during my finals preparation was the website It provided concise yet comprehensive summaries of books like “The Great Gatsby.” Having access to well-written summaries greatly aided my understanding and analysis of literary works, ultimately helping me succeed in my exams. In today’s fast-paced academic environment, reliable summaries are invaluable tools for students seeking a deeper appreciation of literature.

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