For my first Fashion Communication brief i needed to use my phone to communicate and document my first week of freshers. I could do this by putting together a collection of photographs, videos and sound recordings. Using my phone enabled me to relive my week of freshers back through my eyes and it was interesting to see how i experienced it differently and similarly to my classmates.
When documenting my week i paid close attention to what people were wearing, doing, saying and feeling. My video began with my first ever shopping experience in Brighton where i filmed myself looking through a collection of vinyls. In this particular clip you can see my hands which i feel it makes the viewer experience what i was doing from my perspective. I also manipulated clips using apps, for example the clip of me filming my friends flicking through fashion magazines in the Magazine Shop was sped up using an app which also distorted the sound in the background. From watching my classmates videos i noticed a lot of them had music playing throughout their presentation, i chose not to use music but include clips where actual songs where playing so they could hear exactly what was happening around me and what people were saying.