Brighton Business School Lunchtime Seminar: “Talking about teaching” Sue Greener & Asher Rospigliosi, Wednesday Feb 8

Students tell us they want more contact – what do they do with it? Learners have mobile devices, pen and paper are less visible, but how are the devices being used for learning? With the new cascade/curriculum design discussions suggesting students start with more contact to develop skills for more independent learning later in their study: this session involves talking with colleagues about how we encourage student learning in and out of class. Particular focus on note-taking, active reading, engagement with text, blogging, revision and a deeper engagement with what learners study.


Wednesday 8th February

1.00 to 2.00

Mithras House Room M138


Learning and Teaching 2016

First Ever Business School Learning and Teaching Conference 8th July 2016

This year we held the inaugural Brighton Business School Learning and Teaching Conference and the atmosphere couldn’t have been better.

It was welcomed as an opportunity for our colleagues to share their knowledge, research, ideas and achievements.

The day was opened by a speech from the Director of the Business School, Aidan Berry, titled “Open for business, open to business” which highlighted the upcoming plans and design for the new Business School set to open in 2019. This was followed by the key note speech “Changing landscapes – Observations on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), assessment and feedback practices & professionalism” by Sid Hayes, Director of Education, School of Social Sciences.

 Both of these will be available to watch on the blog soon.

And there was the launch of the Brighton Business School Teaching Excellence Award 2017 with a £1000 prize for the winner.

There is now a date set for next year’s Brighton Business School Learning and Teaching Conference 2017:

 7th JULY 2017

If all staff could complete this short questionnaire about the event even if they were unable to attend this year

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Our first Learning and Teaching Conference

Friday 8th!! The conference team really hope you enjoy the programme which was developed from your ideas!  A team building summer event will follow the conference at The Swam Inn Falmer from 5pm.  This includes a limited free bar, and food (burgers, hotdogs, salads and quiches) will be available from 6pm. Partners, friends and distant cousins are all welcome; however, a contribution of £10 would be required for any guests.

Welcome to the BBS Learning & Teaching Day 2016

The Summer party will follow on from the Learning and Teaching -Conference

We will also launch a new Business School Learning Teaching Award for 2016/17 to recognise and reward excellence and innovative practice.

The three streams for the day will be:

  • Knowledge – How to do it?
  • Inspiration – learning teaching/assessments practices?
  • Sharing  – Learning and Teaching Research

The day will begin with me sharing the news on how the new Business School will be “Open for Business”, and will be followed by a Keynote presentation “Changing Landscapes” – Observations on The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), Assessment & Feedback Practices & Professionalism – Sid Hayes Director of Education School of Social Sciences.
