Has Office Triggered Me ?





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Lets start with the Positives 

The  email sent by Office Ltd to customers, is very intriguing  and the reasons why is because the layout of the email makes it easy for me to see what’s on offer. The email is also an extension of the website page therefore the interface is something that I would recognize and be able to use easily. Furthermore, I also enjoy the fact that the email is not to personal the advertisement is clear and straight to the point. It suggests a variety of different shoes instead of offering similar shoes that I have already purchased.


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However, a criticism of the email is that it looks very bland the lack of color does not grab the interest of me as a consumer and the fact that this is a Christmas ad and they don’t have any festive features except “Dear Santa” in black bold font is confusing. Aside from this, the call to action on the email is very clear and straight forward if I click on any of the images I immediately get transferred to the landing page the structure of the webpage is very clear and simple and flows logically as well.


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In relation to F. Ellis-Chadwick & N.F. Doherty (2012) the length of the email was short however, I preferred the layout because it was straight forward and simplistic. In terms of frequency of emails F. Ellis-Chadwick & N.F. Doherty (2012), state that most large firms send most their emails in the 4th quarter around Christmas time or the 2nd quarter interestingly Office sent me 8 emails during the summer and 14 emails from the start of October.

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In contrast, the Manchester United email in terms of display if far more engaging the Red background and bold red and black page really grab its audience attention its interface is also very straight forward and the call to action easily take you to the landing page. Although, a criticism of Manchester United is they have not used the events trigger of the festive season to sell their products and the 4 quarter has begun whereas Office ltd have.


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So has office managed to trigger this customer unfortunately not really

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