Stitching and Scalpel Work

I got this idea from the book binding workshop, where we sewed pages together to create booklets/ zines. I started off by using magazine clippings to stitch through onto the features of the face. This had the same concept of drawing, but with string and pattern. The paper was very thin so I found it quite difficult to sew through the paper and not rip it- however it was possible and I was happy with how it came out. I then went on to sew one one of my past images; that was printed on proper photographic paper, so it would be thicker and easier to sew through. This made it so much easier to get the needle through and create a precise pattern/line. I’m much happier with how it came out and think that if I were to redo this for my zine- I would print on this kind of paper again.

I also played around with scalpel work and was seeing what kind of effects I could create. I carved feature out of some images; also cut out geometric shapes, patterns and scratched into others. I think my favourite effect was the scratching as it created a really cool look- almost like an engraving. Also; if I chose to do more of this style in my zine along with the white threat stitching- the colours will match and create continuity within the finished product.


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