I have previously done a photoshoot where I painted my upper body in gold acrylic paint for a project about self-identity. The gold paint was a representation of how the exterior of a person and how they present themselves is not always true and real. Self-worth is a topic that I have worked around quite a lot and I wanted to bring an element of my interests and background into my FMP- and I thought recreating this Gold shoot again would be a good idea. However in this shoot I only wanted to photograph the hands, as hands are a recurrent theme in my playing cards- besides facial expressions, hands are a body part that can demonstrate or portray emotion very strongly. Originally I was going to have my models hands painted gold and interacting with everyday mundane objects. There was going to be a residue left behind by the hands- showing that her exterior is fake or artificial. Once I painted my model gold, I went to go spray paint some other object but the spray can was broken. I had to change my plan and tried to paint some objects in the gold paint such as flowers- but I was not a huge fan out how they turned out. Overall I am happy with the shoot as it will work well for the illustrative next step- but the outcomes were not how I intended or expected. Regardless the images work well, the gold paint exaggerates the lines and marks in the skin which is amazing for when I come to illustrating.