Research and enterprise from the University of Brighton

Author Katie Gregory

‘Waste It’s Mine It’s Yours’ project in Melkhoutfontein, South Africa

The Dreamcatcher Foundation and staff from the University of Brighton have been working with residents of Melkhoutfontein, South Africa to turn waste into products, helping to generate income and clean up the environment. Read the report on DICE by Imani… Continue Reading →

Clothes On Our Back – Diversifying the Curriculum

This film by Willie Robb offers insights into the Community University Partnership Programme 2020 Ignite projects. Centre for Arts and Wellbeing member Jess Moriarty and Tony Kalume from Diversity Lewes have been working with Brighton Museum on devising inclusive pedagogy… Continue Reading →

Talking Grangemead Garden

Take a look at this film showcasing the incredible co-designed garden at Grangemead respite facility in Hailsham which has made a huge difference during the lockdown challenge that care homes are facing. Centre for Arts and Wellbeing member Nick Gant… Continue Reading →

Everyday Creativity

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing’s associate member Nick Ewbank discusses Everyday Creativity in his article Paradigm Shift: Why the Arts Need to Rethink What Matters, published in Arts Professional.

Centre for Arts and Wellbeing Officially Launched!

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing held a successful launch event on 24th February at the Old Ship Hotel, Brighton. The fully booked day welcomed 90 plus attendees from various arts and health organisations throughout Brighton and the UK as well… Continue Reading →

Centre for Arts and Wellbeing Launch Event 24th February

The University of Brighton would like to invite you to the launch of a new Centre of Research and Enterprise Excellence (CORE) in Arts and Wellbeing. The event will be held on Monday 24th February 2020 at the Old Ship… Continue Reading →

Visiting Fellowships 2020: now open

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing (CAW) invites applications for Visiting Research Fellows involved in theoretical research, practice-based research or enterprise-related research (community, social and industry engagement). The aim of this selective fellowship scheme is to provide external researchers, artists… Continue Reading →

Milk Matters: Design as a Socio-Material Tool for Public Breastfeeding

As part of the AHRC Design for Change series, Sally Sutherland’s research features in this short film.

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