Centre for Arts and Wellbeing

Research and enterprise from the University of Brighton


Jessica Moriarty

News | New CAW member Dr Ifigeneia Giannopoulou talks about her new immersive show – Death and the Maiden

The CAW is particularly interested in how performance can inform research about Arts and Wellbeing. In an interview with The Bread and Roses Theatre London, Clapham, one of our newest members –  Dr Ifigeneia Giannopoulou – talks about an immersive… Continue Reading →

News | Call for International Visiting Research Fellow

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing (brighton.ac.uk) at the University of Brighton (CAW) facilitates International Visiting Research Fellows spending time at the Centre to pursue their research within the themes of the CAW and form collaborations with CAW staff member(s). The… Continue Reading →

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