Research and enterprise from the University of Brighton

Author glb22

News | Open call: Event funding from CAW

Call for Proposals Deadline: 10th January 2023 The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking to support an event (conference/symposium/festival) that addresses a topic or subject that aligns with 2 or more of our themes: Drawing for health and wellbeing… Continue Reading →

News | Open call: Seed Funding from CAW

Call for Proposals Deadline: 10th January 2023 The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking proposals on small-scale or pilot projects that link to arts and wellbeing and at least one of our academic themes: Drawing for health and wellbeing… Continue Reading →

Alex Fitch reports on designing games packaging and raising money for LGBTQI+ groups in the Ukraine

A hobby I have outside of my research and teaching at the University is collecting old video games. Specifically, and this is something I started again during lockdown after a number of years, games for a pretty obscure games console… Continue Reading →

Report | Queer Peers, 15 June 2022

Members of the project team report on the many successes of the Queer Peers project in 2022 How is queer wellbeing nurtured locally, outside of traditional ‘mental health’ care? The Queer Peers project, jointly funded by the Centre for Arts… Continue Reading →

Report | Graphic Brighton, 27-28 May 2022

Co-organiser, Barbara Chamberlin, reports on the many successes of Graphic Brighton 2022 Graphic Brighton is a comics symposium that has run annually (aside from the pandemic) since 2014 and brings together comics creators, publishers, academics, students and the general public,… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | Mark Price – Writing Into Creativity and Interdisciplinarity

Mark Price is a student on the Creative Writing MA. He is undertaking a residency with the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing, exploring practitioner-researchers’ perceptions and experiences of creativity and interdisciplinarity.   I’m a student again. Our assignments on the… Continue Reading →

Artist in Residence | Becca Oliver

The Art of Being Queer “When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay, because I could draw.” – Macklemore 2012   Comical as this may be out of context, the implication remains that a proclivity… Continue Reading →

Call for Expressions of Interest: Creating, Curating and Consuming the archive: an integrated frame for investigating diversity in Design Archives Collections and Practices

Calling all writers and visual artists! Expressions of interest are invited for two creative practitioners to engage with the University of Brighton Design Archives collections and facilitate a workshop for students from the Fine Art and Creative Writing programmes.  The… Continue Reading →

Call for Submissions: Everyday Creativity: Towards an International Research Network

Monday 13th June 2022 University of Brighton’s Falmer Campus REGISTER HERE: This event is an opportunity to share our ideas, understandings, and ways of working with regard to everyday creativity (EC). It is aimed at: academics and postgraduate researchers… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | Sebastián Collado – Performative Narrative Interview Workshop

CAW Visiting Research Fellow Sebastián Collado (PhD student at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile) reports on a recent workshop he conducted on the Performative Narrative Interview, a research methodology developed during his PhD studies.   In the first days of November… Continue Reading →

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