A guided drawing workshop at Cissbury Ring, Worthing July 3 10.30 – 13.00 with Jane Fox 

Bring your drawing tools, sketchbooks, pens, pencils, inks, and meet artist Jane Fox in the car park at Cissbury Ring on Wednesday July 3 10.30am – 1.00pm. The workshop will be a guided drawing workshop, and will encourage participants to mark make and sketch, beneficial to health and wellness, discussing materials and landscapes as part of the conversations into making and drawing. Over the course of a planned circuit, there will be opportunities to sketch in the landscape. The idea would be to work up the drawings in the studio afterwards.

Let’s meet in the car park at 10.30 am, bring a packed lunch and we can eat it together towards the end of the walk

The themed event is supported by the CAW especially Drawing for Health and Wellness strand.


Open to PGR’s ECR’s as well as staff who enjoy making with their hands and mark making. Pre-booking essential, maximum ten participants.

Please email j.findley@brighton.ac.uk for booking

Supported by the Centre of Arts and Wellness Drawing for Health and Wellbeing strand


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