Call for Proposals Deadline: 10th January 2023
The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking to support an event (conference/symposium/festival) that addresses a topic or subject that aligns with 2 or more of our themes:
- Drawing for health and wellbeing
- Design for change
- Making well
- Inclusion through narrative
- Creative methodologies
- Sustainable communities
Funding of up to £1000 is available and we would particularly welcome events that:
- Celebrate collaborative/transdisciplinary work with an emphasis on arts and well-being;
- Include work from artists, community partners, PGRs and academics;
- Sustainable outcomes/outputs/ways of capturing the event;
- Value practice/research/pedagogy as equal;
- Offer a face-to-face element and are inclusive;
- Offer free spaces for CAW members.
Proposals of no more than 500 words should outline:
- Title of event
- Length of event
- Location
- Possible date (before the end of June 2023)
- Key themes
- How the project relates to the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing’s academic themes Centre for Arts and Wellbeing ( and the university’s Strategic Plan Research and Enterprise Strategic Plan (
- Draft call for papers/work (as an appendix)
- A clear budget (all funding must be spent by 30th June 2023)
- Eligible costs include fees for visiting speakers, travel and subsistence costs, and lunches/teas during events; activities could include research, networking events, workshops and/or conference organisation
- The following costs are ineligible: staff costs; conference fees
- Relevant experience of applicants (Staff CVs on PURE will be accessed if required).
At least one member of the project team should be a member of CAW or be willing to join.
Proposals will be assessed by a panel comprising members of the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing. All successful applicants will be asked to attend a meeting with other project leads and to capture their event via the Centre’s online platforms.
Applicants will be informed about the outcome in early February 2023. Please email your application to:
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