23rd January 2019 – First Master Plan Draft

Today I put together a first draft of the layout of my masterplan, I thought it was about time I had a go at experimenting with everything I have learnt over the last few weeks.

I followed the video from youtube to get an idea of where to start and as instructed I started by pinpointing points of interest on the map of NSQ.

I then put the road and pedestrian routes onto a Digimap’s plan so that I could see on a scaled map of the development where everything was. I also drew the boundaries of the development so when I come to put it together on sketch up ill know the exact boundaries on a scaled format.

It is now time to buy Sketchup and put in some building masses!

From google earth I took some images of the points of interest that I marked on the NSQ development;

and finally below is the first draft of my layout for my Master plan!

digimap_roam (2)-1itsq1m digimap_roam (1)-2k4t5kh digimap_roam-20jhmg0

22nd January 2019 – Getting Somewhere!

Firstly, Today I started my research by looking at Bjarke Ingel’s work (BIG Group) as he is one of my favourite architects. BIG have done a lot of work on urban design and although these projects are a lot bigger than the Lewes NSQ development, I feel that I was able to take away some key design elements;

  • Connection of the city, first the designer picks the main key parts of the city (such as monuments, civil buildings, tourist attractions) and then uses pathways and road to connect them
  • The road/pathways are then changed to create hallways through the urban area that are more interesting and appealing to the people using them
  • From that plazas are placed for green space and areas of interest
  • Then the building masses are formed and adapted to suit their environment

Below are some interesting pieces of a case study I found on Pittsburgh, which involved creating a new space of commercial and residential area within the city.


After looking at Bjarke work I found a TEDx talk online for the 7 principles for urban design. This was an interesting watch and expresses the same kind of theme that I have found throughout my research – preservation of existing space, mixing age/culture/class of people, promoting walking/cycling and connectivity of the space.

From this, I thought of a transit to connect Lewes, but then continued to think on that transits will soon be outdated and instead, I should focus on promoting cycling/walking and electric scooters like I found around California. I then thought about electrical mobility scooters for the elderly? What could be used by them to get around the urban space?


Next, I came across an interesting video on YouTube for zoning, it explained well what zoning was and mentioned that there should be criteria for zoning in Lewes which should include information on, rules and regulations of each zone, building heights and setbacks.


Finally, I came across a key video that shows you step by step how to design your urban space with the following;

  • Respond: Locate interesting features and landmarks in and around the site
  • Connect: Identify potential access points and connections to the surrounding streets
  • Join: join of the access points as the foundation of a new street pattern
  • Movement: establish the route hierarchy
  • Use: Identify the best locations for land use
  • Streets: Add the street types to best support use
  • Plots: add in land sub vision, plots and structures. Manipulate widths, heights, setbacks, mass, scale and density to support the selected land use
  • Buildings: Make sure that all public spaces, especially streets, are overlooked and directly accessible on the ground floor
  • Check: Modify the layout to increase access, legibility interest, the richness of experiences and ambience

(Cooper, 2015)

I think these key points will be great for setting out my master plan.

Key Thoughts of Today

  • Matching theme of street furniture for this area of Lewes that represents Lewes and its history
  • Implementing rain gardens
  • How to get Lewes zoning criteria
  • Bike hire/motor scooter hire system that runs on electricity
  • Connecting route through new development to have solar panel canopy
  • What will Lewes look like 20+ years on? (local plan of East Sussex)



Beautiful, C., 2017. An Introduction to Zoning. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kVWDWMcLT4
[Accessed 22 01 2019].

Cooper, J., 2015. Urban Design Techniques. Part 1. Creating a basic urban design structure.. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2FYFuML71Y&t=2s
[Accessed 22 01 2019].

Group, B., 2019. BIG Group Projects. [Online]
Available at: https://big.dk/#projects-pitt
[Accessed 22 01 2019].

TEDx, 2017. 7 Principles for Building Better Cities. [Online]
Available at: https://www.ted.com/talks/peter_calthorpe_7_principles_for_building_better_cities?language=en
[Accessed 22 01 2019].



19th January 2019 – Back to Stage One!

Today I am feeling like I am back to stage one, I knew this would happen as it was all going too well! But as with every AT project problem slowly arises!

I have spent today looking at the existing site and comparing it will Santons most recent masterplan for Phase One, they have attended to most of Phoenix Rising’s comments and comments from the locals. Santons plans have changed dramatically for the better. It is hard to come up with a master plan that makes it even better than what has already been done.

To become more organised, I have taken all the drawings from the planning website and filed them into separate folders on my laptop so that I can access the plans easier. I feel now that I understand fully what is proposed in the current NSQ development. Now it is time to do some in-depth case study research on existing developments so that I can incorporate some new ideas into my plan.

When I think of creative and larger scale I think of architect Bjarke Ingels, that is where I will start my research tomorrow!

18th January 2019 – Thinking Green!

Today it crossed my mind whether there was a way to generate energy walking on pathways, so I googled the question and came across a company called Pavegen. It was interesting after looking at their product and using youtube to see the demonstration of how it works.

I was thinking for my masterplan how I could incorporate it into the high traffic routes around the area.


Below is a link and more detail what Pavegen is and how it works;


My only issue is how much energy does it produce and how much does it cost? Is it worth it for the amount of foot traffic in Lewes? Or is it more suited to a city environment?

While thinking of sustainability, another golden piece of information was found on the Lewes Phoenix Rising Website: https://www.lewesphoenixrising.co.uk/response-to-santonldc-plan/heating-system/

This was a feasibility study done on the NSQ development for using a district heat system throughout the scheme by using the River Ouse. Some key points from the report include;

  • The study states that the River Ouse has the capacity to produce 3.8 to 6.6 MW of energy by using this system
  • By using uninsulated pipes, the pipes can be pushed through the ground, including under roads, requiring much less excavation, which is important as contamination of the ground is suspected.
  • There are no heat losses from the pipes as is the case with circulated hot water. Indeed heat from the surrounding ground, leaking into the pipes to the water cooled by the distributed heat pumps is an advantage, making it a partly ground source system.
  • By reversing the heat pumps, cooling can be obtained at very little extra cost. As global warming sets in, an ever greater proportion of domestic and light commercial energy use will swing from heating loads to cooling loads. This will be a particular problem if approval is given for techniques such as structural insulated panels that achieve high insulation values but give very low thermal mass so that buildings heat up rapidly during the day thus requiring cooling. Concentrating on insulation values alone is to solve yesterday’s problem, not tomorrow’s.
  • To the extent that larger buildings may require cooling at the same time as smaller ones need heating, the shared water loop creates a form of thermal cross-subsidy, enhancing the efficiency of both.
  • Although the heat pumps require an electrical input, 15 to 25% of the output depending on the coefficient of performance obtained, which has an external CO2 burden, this burden will gradually decrease as electrical generation is de-carbonised. The CO2 burden of gas heating will only increase as gas is obtained from evermore energy-intensive sources.

(Rouse, n.d.)


Available at: https://www.lewesphoenixrising.co.uk/response-to-santonldc-plan/heating-system/
[Accessed 18 01 2019].

P, n.d. Pavegen. [Online]
Available at: https://www.pavegen.com/products/
[Accessed 18 01 2019].

14th January 2019 – The Phoenix is Rising!

Today I have been reviewing a couple of comments on the planning website from locals calling for objection to the NSQ development. A common trend consisted of the following;

  • More support for small businesses as the development currently puts 95 out of use and needs to introduce more to the scheme to support the local economy
  • More creativity as the community of Lewes has a lot of creative skill to offer
  • More leisure spaces
  • A more sustainable design

There has been overwhelming support for the Lewes Phoenix Rising Development, the Lewes Phoenix Rising focuses on the creativity and next generation of small businesses coming through the youth of Lewes. There is some speculation from locals that Santons approach is to maximise profit with their development.

Phoenix Rising Promotion Video – https://www.lewesphoenixrising.co.uk/

I also found an important link giving detail on the history of old Phoenix iron and steel works


It explains the history of the iron and steel industry and how it was used around the country, a lot of the work produced in this area went around the country in the form of architectural detailing and structures.

A march made up of over 1,000 people protested for the threat to Lewes independent business, community and unique character. They were calling for innovative affordable homes and retention of the Ironworks buildings to provide workspace for the local industries, social enterprises and youth venues. https://www.lewesphoenixrising.co.uk/phoenix-march-attracts-1000-we-counted-them-twice/  

A survey was done on the existing area of Lewes of where the proposed development is. below list some key parts of the survey,

The composition of businesses on site

In total there are 50 businesses on the remainder of the site:

  • 7 centres for the arts, comprising 85 workshops/studios and 13 venues
  • 13 community/charitable/educational enterprises
  • 13 manufacturing & design businesses
  • 12 service businesses
  • 2 light industrial
  • 2 construction businesses
  • 1 retail business

None of these businesses has had relocation or new premises on site confirmed.

Other facts

  • There are 453 jobs on the Phoenix Estate
  • Weekly footfall is 3,972 people
  • The site currently provides 14,109 sq metres of industrial, workshop and businesses space.


  • A quarter of businesses have had discussions at some point over the last two years regarding relocation, but indicate that nothing confirmed or affordable has been offered.
  • Two businesses are in advanced discussions about new premises on the development site.
  • Seventy-five percent of businesses have never been contacted

 (Rising, n.d.)

The full audit found: http://northstreetqtr.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Cultural_Audit_Report_Final.pdf

Now that I have read about what is going on with the NSQ and found a couple of locations online where I can hear the locals talk, I think it’s time to compare Santons masterplan with Phoenix Rising and the existing area.

This will be my next task, following that I’ll start to look where Santons masterplan can be improved by implementing my ideas and Phoenix Rising proposal.

There seems to be a lot of community spirit within Lewes as seen from the festivals and events put on around the town.


This youtube video is a live debate hosted by Lewes Pheonix Rising,

A main common trend here was how they do not want Lewes to become a “commuter town”, this trend is common throughout my research which promotes my idea for focusing on the creativity small business and affordable living.



Rising, L. P., n.d. Survey of the Phoenix Estate. [Online]
Available at: https://www.lewesphoenixrising.co.uk/explore-phoenix-estate/survey-of-the-phoenix-estate/
[Accessed 18 01 2019].

13th January 2019 – Case Studies and “A Guide to Master Plans” from CABE

The Commission of Architecture and the Built Environment have some good literature and case studies on master planning, so today I have focused my research on this, they have two great guides on what makes a good master plan. Below are some good pages which are taken from the guide along with some real-life case studies.


A masterplan addresses the multifaceted aspects that make places successful:

  • the quality of the buildings and spaces and their management
  • the way these come together to create unique places
  • built form in relation to history, culture and landscape
  • the provision of services
  • the engagement of local people and users in defining and being involved in the process of change
  • the economic and financial realities
  • the role of different agencies in delivering investment and change.

Masterplanning embraces a wide range of complex, sometimes conflicting, issues and is a positive, proactive process that can bring significant benefits by:

  • helping shape the three-dimensional physical form that responds to local economic and social dynamics
  • helping identify the potential of an area or site for development
  • unlocking previously under-developed land
  • engaging the local community in thinking about their role in a development or regeneration
  • helping build consensus about the future of an area and identify priorities for action
  • increasing land values, and making more schemes viable


What we mean by a masterplan includes both the process by which organisations undertake analysis and prepare strategies, and the proposals that are needed to plan for major change in a defined physical area. This document is concerned with ‘spatial masterplans’, which set out proposals for buildings, spaces, movement strategy and land use in three dimensions and match these proposals to a delivery strategy. This is the definition provided in Towards an urban renaissance (Urban Task Force, ODPM 1999). For a masterplan to be complete it must be supported by financial, economic and social policy documents and delivery mechanisms, without which the spatial plan has little meaning or likelihood of effective implementation.

  • shows how the streets, squares and open spaces of a neighbourhood are to be connected
  • defines the heights, massing and bulk of buildings
  • sets out suggested relationships between buildings and public spaces
  • determines the distribution of activities/uses that will be allowed
  • identifies the network of movement patterns for people moving by foot, cycle, car or public transport, service and refuse vehicles
  • sets out the basis for provision of other infrastructure elements such as utilities
  • relates physical form to the socio-economic and cultural context and stakeholder interests
  • allows an understanding of how well a new, urban neighbourhood is integrated with the surrounding urban

(CABE, 2004)


CABE, C. f. A. a. B. E., 2002. Design and Reviewed Masterplans. [Online]
Available at: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110118155352/http://www.cabe.org.uk/files/design-review-ed-masterplans.pdf
[Accessed 13 01 2019].

CABE, C. f. A. a. t. B. E., 2004. Creating a Successful Masterplan. [Online]
Available at: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110118111818/http://www.cabe.org.uk/files/creating-successful-masterplans.pdf
[Accessed 13 01 2019].

12th January 2019 – Getting Deeper into NSQ and its Potential!

The good thing about working on the NSQ development is that a lot of hard work has already been done in terms of research. After already looking at the 2014 application it was time to go more into depth on the latest application. below show the development priorities that have been focussed on since the first application, a common trend was affordable housing, the creativity of the town, flood defence, and sustainability.


(NSQ, 2013)

I need to focus my attention on these development priorities as this is what the locals and stakeholders are asking for. As for the flood defence, since the 2014 application, a design has been done for phases 1-3 in the current NSQ development as seen below.

Now that I am starting to get an understanding of the NSQ and “The Story so Far”, I have started to play with some ideas of what I can do that’s different within my proposal. With the development proposed alongside the River Ouse, I have been asking the question is there a way to use it to produce energy to help support the goal of sustainable design.

The Student CIAT Awards brief is this year very focused around safe design for fire, because of that when playing around with my proposed space and the development layout I am thinking of fire engine access to all my buildings.

Below are some ideas of the possible use of the River Ouse for producing energy. 

(Youtube, 2016)

Notable link to Hydro Energy case studies – https://www.hydroworld.com/index.html

 (Hydro-Power, 2019)

When coming up with a design for the River I need to understand the current of the River Ouse and if it is powerful enough to produce energy. Below is a chart of the River Ouse tide heights and times.

(willyweather, 2019)


NSQ, 2013. The Story so Far Work in Progress. [Online]
Available at: https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/files/CE576780CB54CE9341E3DC5245AB810F/pdf/SDNP_13_05555_PRE-THE_STORY_SO_FAR__WORK_IN_PROGRESS-292778.pdf
[Accessed 12 01 2019].

willyweather, 2019. River Ouse – Swing Bridge Tide Times and Heights. [Online]
Available at: https://tides.willyweather.co.uk/se/east-sussex/river-ouse—-swing-bridge.html
[Accessed 12 01 2019].

Youtube, 2016. The Simple River Turbine can Power your House. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHxHLqZAD-w
[Accessed 12 01 2019].

11th January 2019 – What is a Masterplan?

Today I have been trying to get my head around what a masterplan has within it, and to get an understanding of what the use of it is.

I have been reading through John Ratcliffe’s Urban Planning which has some great information on Urban Planning, with the use of this I am starting to understand what makes a good urban design.

(Ratcliffe, 2002)

Ratcliffe gave me some good ideas of urban design and what I need to figure out in order to make my masterplan a good quality and achieve the stakeholder’s requirements. Some key elements focus on;

  • A development that suits its surrounding
  • Traditional use of local materials, matching the surrounding architecture and not having a building that sticks out and looks out of place
  • Creation of a community with a mix of land use with shops, residential and commercial buildings
  • The similarity of buildings for their uses, for example, making sure an office is distinctive from a dwelling
  • Make the urban form diverse and stimulating with the use of squares piazzas, narrow and winding streets, landscaping and traffic calming

(Anon., n.d.)

Next, I looked at how to form the masterplan, I found the above description for some idea of how to lay it out. Now with a basic idea of what is required its time to look into more detail of the NSQ.


Anon., n.d. The Master Plan Process. [Online]
Available at: https://www.kent.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/23583/Masterplanning-for-SuDS-Part-5.pdf
[Accessed 11 01 2019].

Ratcliffe, J., 2002. Urban Planning and Real Estate Development. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.

11th January 2019 – The Brief! and the Background of NSQ Planning Application

Today we were given the brief! and as suspected it included the NSQ development. By using the existing NSQ proposal and masterplan we are to firstly, develop a newly revised masterplan that better suits the stakeholders. Following on from this we are to then develop our design into the technical stage and present it at the end of the year.

To start my research I looked through the original planning application from Santon dated back in 2014, the idea behind this was to get an understanding of the story so far, from the 2014 original planning application I found lots of information on the following;

  • Visual Impact Assessments – An assessment of the landscape views, the impacts of the proposal to those views, and what it has to offer
  • Precedent Studies – Related research to the proposal on hotels, commercial, retail and housing projects
  • Environmental Impact Assessment – A report on the Environmental Impact
  • Heritage and Historic Research – A report on the heritage and historic architecture and history of Lewes
  • Application Documents – These include comments from bodies such as Sport England, RHP Architects, East Sussex Council, South Downs Authority, Sussex Crime Prevention
  • Plans – Drawings that include master plans, sections and 3D images

Architects, R., 2013. Long Distant Views.

For a place to start in my research, I thought id focus today on the views from and around the site using the research done within the planning application.

I was starting to try and play with a couple of ideas using what I picked up from the architectural tour in LA and with the views that are on offer around the proposed site. Above are some of my sketches thinking of framed views around the site for Lewes attractive views, along with playing with including the idea of symmetry within parts of the scheme.


Architects, R., 2013. Long Distant Views. [Online]
Available at: https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/files/1CFD2193C23661AC296F6BAE270285AD/pdf/SDNP_13_05555_PRE-LONG_DISTANCE_VIEWS-292804.pdf


8th January 2019 – Where to Begin? The Getty Tour!

Its the 8th January and after celebrating a brilliant Christmas and New Year in California I cannot wait to get stuck into my final Architectural Technology Project. So to get a head start I took an architectural tour of the Getty, the Getty was opened in 1974 and named after Paul Getty who donated $1.2 billion dollars in creating an art museum which is located in the hills of Los Angeles. The museum was designed by Richard Meier with various indoor and outdoor spaces and views across the city. With such a large budget inherited from Paul Getty there was a real opportunity to create a fantastic space for the community of Los Angeles and the tourists that visit.

The tour guide had taken us through the museum and explain to us the idea behind the design, both my partner and I described the feeling of how when entering the museum, it felt like walking into a completely different environment from what the city if Los Angeles gives, and it turns out that it was no accident!

The whole facade of the building, floor slabs and everything you can see from the outside space is completely in symmetry. All the materials are square, and the areas of those squares are factors of each other, meaning that all the material falls into the next simultaneously. This precise symmetry effect is used to give a feeling of relaxation which we could feel even before knowing that it was done on purpose!


If you look from the pictures all the trees and street furniture are purposely set out in equal dimensions apart, again this has been done purposely to add to the effect of symmetry. The final distinct attribute to the design was the framed views. Around the building are square frames that look out of place, but these are anything but out of place! They frame the view of the city as Richard Meier wanted visitors to feel they had a right to feel a part of the great city of Los Angeles.


As I have not been given our final Architectural Technology brief, I can only start to create my creative process to think how this design can be incorporated into the NSQ.