Key Weapon for Battle – INFLUENCERS The clue is in the name: essentially, they are individuals who have the ability to influence the opinions or buying decisions of your target audience, largely thanks to their social media following Simpson (2015). According Trammell & Keshelashvili (2005), influencers influence by impression management tactics and self-presentation. In addition,…Continue Reading The battle of The Fashion Retail Giants to Capture Millennials: Examples from Boohoo, H&M, New Look, Asos and Primark
8 simple tips for businesses to make effective Instagram hashtags for the inexperienced hashtagger; #easy
A hashtag is a Metadata that helps add words to a catogery; to be a hashtag the word(s) must have the # symbol infront of it with no spacing, for example #fashionlove is correct #fashion love is not (Neff and Moss, 2016). The word will then go into the category to enable users to find…Continue Reading 8 simple tips for businesses to make effective Instagram hashtags for the inexperienced hashtagger; #easy
Breaking Bad: Cracking the formula for a riveting social media campaign that will maximise brand engagement – 90% purity guaranteed
Top Tip #1: HumanisationWhen you think of social media you probably think about connecting with loved ones, friends, and friends of friends (don’t act like you haven’t stalked before). You don’t think about businesses connecting with you, aiming to be your friend, posting on your feed with language you similarly would use; humanising their campaigns…Continue Reading Breaking Bad: Cracking the formula for a riveting social media campaign that will maximise brand engagement – 90% purity guaranteed
Protein World: A Lesson in Social Media Damage Control?
In the spring of 2015, Protein World (a supplier of workout supplements) unveiled their “Are You Beach Body Ready?” campaign, renting advertising space on billboards and trains, supplemented by postings on social media – most notably via Twitter. The campaign poster included a slender, toned, young woman donned in only a bikini, asking the audience…Continue Reading Protein World: A Lesson in Social Media Damage Control?
The importance of successfully utilising social media marketing to promote a new fashion brand
Interestingly though, Funk (2011) explains that the channels of social media marketing are ‘not as important for selling’ but crucial for ‘listening to customers’ and ‘communicating your brand directly and personally’. The importance of listening to customers in the modern business environment is paramount, as a positive social media presence reaches out to existing and potential…Continue Reading The importance of successfully utilising social media marketing to promote a new fashion brand
The importance of good management of the effects of social media’s on the reputation of small businesses | Digital Marketing Blog
Social media is now a major force in today’s society with people of all ages, backgrounds and social groups. Fuchs (2014) explains that now more than ever we need to understand social media and the impact it is having on our lives and how it is such a useful marketing tool if used effectively. Fuchs…Continue Reading The importance of good management of the effects of social media’s on the reputation of small businesses | Digital Marketing Blog
The Language of Social Media: The Power of The Hashtag | eren gencler
Today, hashtags are used in almost all other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Hashtags are widely used to define a shared context for specific events, topics, or meme (Ma et al, 2012). On most social media websites, a hashtag is translated into a clickable link that enables an easy search…Continue Reading The Language of Social Media: The Power of The Hashtag | eren gencler
Creating Community in a Digital World | Laura Emily Katharine Maclean
The level at which you utilize your networks can decide how your customers interact with you. Passive use see’s Facebook pages left like brochures for customers to read at leisure or never. Somera (2014) found that 70% of corporate Facebook’s actively AFFINITY-PERSONAL-INTERACTIONrespond to their customer comments, increasing their interactivity, rather than just having regular posts….Continue Reading Creating Community in a Digital World | Laura Emily Katharine Maclean
The importance of vloggers and how they can enhance your brand image | Maria’s Blog
The reason why brand blogging or vlogging is so influential is because it gives a sense of transparency in communication for the consumers. They share information of value that people engage upon (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012 p537). For instance, make-up vloggers will give positive or negative reviews on the products they’ve been using and this…Continue Reading The importance of vloggers and how they can enhance your brand image | Maria’s Blog
#Hashtag.. What are the benefits of having a unique Hashtag? | The World of Digital Marketing
I’m sure we all know what a ‘hashtag’ is, but what are the real benefits to your business of using and creating hashtags? To put it simply, an increased reach equals increased click rates; which means an inevitable increase in conversion rates. Studies show that tweets receive a significant increase in click rates when using…Continue Reading #Hashtag.. What are the benefits of having a unique Hashtag? | The World of Digital Marketing