It starts with optimizing your website with keywords and phrases. You may already have a good idea which words people use to find your business but it’s important to keep an open mind and do your research. The results may surprise you. The Google Keyword tool can help you find the most popular words and…Continue Reading How to use SEO techniques to Increase Website Visibility | John’s Digital Marketing Blog
SEO Marketing – A bad idea for small companies? | Digital Marketing Blog
So what is exactly do you understand by the term SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is described as a cluster of strategies and techniques used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (Parikh & Deshmukh, 2013). So basically,…Continue Reading SEO Marketing – A bad idea for small companies? | Digital Marketing Blog
Tips for implementing search engine optimisation in the tablet industry | em262’s blog
Search engines are incredibly significant in the guidance of marketing techniques, organisations can utilise the online opportunities to accomplish marketing goals. To ensure that advertisements are at the top of search results lists some organisations pay to be displayed, they do this to guarantee that they’re seen. This type of promotional tool is referred to…Continue Reading Tips for implementing search engine optimisation in the tablet industry | em262’s blog
Kayleigh Digi Law’s Busines Blog
What is SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essentially the process maximising where your website ranks in an internet search (Spais, 2010).Popular internet search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, store information on website content for every website available, and use ‘ranking algorithms’ to churn this information in to ‘search results’ which are ranked…Continue Reading Kayleigh Digi Law’s Busines Blog
Follow the Yellow Brick Road… To the First Page of Google! | nm209’s blog
Boutet and Quoniam (2012) reinforce the importance of being on the first page of Google – a person seeking information cannot equally value all the results provided by the search engine. Why? Well, it’s simple – you don’t review every single result that Google offers and if you do… you have way too much time…Continue Reading Follow the Yellow Brick Road… To the First Page of Google! | nm209’s blog
How can online sponsorship be used successfully as part of a digital marketing strategy? | gec12’s blog
Digital sponsorship is becoming popular due to it’s attractive medium and interactive and dynamic nature. It allows rich media such as video streaming and personalisation technologies. (Drennan & Cornwell, 2004) discuss how these attributes make it possible for sponsors to target their market more effectively, heighten involvement of their target audience, and measure the effectiveness…Continue Reading How can online sponsorship be used successfully as part of a digital marketing strategy? | gec12’s blog
A how-to guide on choosing your keywords.. for beginners from a beginner! | gec12’s blog
Using online optimisation requires deciding on the right keywords for your target audience. Google recommends that keywords should be relevant to the customer, specific and that there should be the right number (Google, 2015).This blog will look into the process of finding the right keywords and give a few examples for illustration purposes.(Shih, et al.,…Continue Reading A how-to guide on choosing your keywords.. for beginners from a beginner! | gec12’s blog
Creating Contented Content and Examples of Best Practice | jb597’s blog
Content marketing is defined by the Content Marketing Institute (2015) as ‘a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.’ In other words its the creation of media and a way of engaging with your…Continue Reading Creating Contented Content and Examples of Best Practice | jb597’s blog
Get to know your Organic SEO – Content Optimisation | jb597’s blog
Parikh and Deshmukh (2013) define search engine optimisation (SEO) as a cluster of strategies and techniques designed to increase the amount of visitors to a website through attaining a high ranking position on the search results page of a search engine. Content optimisation is the organic SEO route to making your website more visible on…Continue Reading Get to know your Organic SEO – Content Optimisation | jb597’s blog
What’s so key about keywords? | gec12’s blog
This blog will focus on keyword optimisation and try to simplify the complex algorithms used by search engines (in particular Google) to identify the most key, keyword points! via What’s so key about keywords? | gec12’s blog….Continue Reading What’s so key about keywords? | gec12’s blog