Tips for implementing search engine optimisation in the tablet industry | em262’s blog

Search engines are incredibly significant in the guidance of marketing techniques, organisations can utilise the online opportunities to accomplish marketing goals. To ensure that advertisements are at the top of search results lists some organisations pay to be displayed, they do this to guarantee that they’re seen. This type of promotional tool is referred to as search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO can be costly but nevertheless is it effective, with the potential to produce large amount of brand awareness if used correctly.

“It has long been held that one of the major goals of marketing is to generate and maintain brand awareness; this is seen as particularly important in low-involvement situations where consumers may engage in little active search information to aid choice.” Macdonald et al (2000).

Brand awareness effects the decisions that consumers make, this is because users are more likely to consider brands they know. This brand knowledge can be referred to as a consideration set, organisations aim to be selected from the consideration set (Macdonald et al, 1996).

via Tips for implementing search engine optimisation in the tablet industry | em262’s blog.

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