The level at which you utilize your networks can decide how your customers interact with you. Passive use see’s Facebook pages left like brochures for customers to read at leisure or never. Somera (2014) found that 70% of corporate Facebook’s actively AFFINITY-PERSONAL-INTERACTIONrespond to their customer comments, increasing their interactivity, rather than just having regular posts. This social platform makes it easier for customers to communicate with the company, as well as with each other, beyond a transnational level. It’s up to you though, to create an algorithm that suits your brand image in order to reach your audience once you’ve gained them. According to Casas (2014), a whopping 96% of your page ‘likers’ don’t return after the initial engagement. This means that you need to get your posts into their news feeds. The more engagement you can get with your customers, the more your post’s will be prioritized on their feed. Creating the community interface style with your online presence is one way of building an active relationship with your customers and working your way into their daily feed.
Source: Creating Community in a Digital World | Laura Emily Katharine Maclean