he UK home furnishings market is positioned as part of the home furniture industry. This contributes a whopping £9.4bn to annual GDP, a figure that took me by surprise due to its sheer size. Industry revenue is projected to grow by 4.9%, which didn’t take me so much by surprise considering that the Government’s Help…Continue Reading How should home furnishing companies use Social Media? | Emily Gailer
The Dos & Don’ts of the Social Media H#shtag | Luke Rudd’s Blog
The world of the social media hashtag is a complicated one. Often overused by users, the hashtag was originally designed to help consumers identify their topic of interest by keyword search. However, in a plight of excitement, consumers have gathered a stranglehold over brands as they struggle to rise above social media hijackers. Following some…Continue Reading The Dos & Don’ts of the Social Media H#shtag | Luke Rudd’s Blog
Conversion Optimization – A Beginners Guide | Luke Rudd’s Blog
In 2014 the total number of websites exceeded 1 billion (Internet live stats, 2014), a milestone to which highlights the adoption of the world’s fastest growing media channel. This makes it ever more challenging for infant companies to articulate their offering as they wonder estranged into common CRO pitfalls. The solution is actually rather simple,…Continue Reading Conversion Optimization – A Beginners Guide | Luke Rudd’s Blog
Infographics: A Primer on Its Digital Influence | Luke Rudd’s Blog
In this post I will be looking at examples of infographics and specifically why they should feature within your marketing strategies for the future. Visual Learningternet live stats, 2015) the pressure has intensified to polarize ones digital offerings in a fiercely competitive environment. In fact according to data from Tony Haile of Chartbeat (2014), the…Continue Reading Infographics: A Primer on Its Digital Influence | Luke Rudd’s Blog
Why Your Landing Page Matters | Sophie Wood’s blog
Online advertising has become a prominent force in an organisation’s marketing activities, with the standard approach seeing companies create adverts based on modelling the user’s needs and interests. However, there is a surprisingly low level of effort dedicated to what actually happens after an advert is clicked on (Becker et al, 2009). Advertisers spend obscene…Continue Reading Why Your Landing Page Matters | Sophie Wood’s blog
How can online sponsorship be used successfully as part of a digital marketing strategy? | gec12’s blog
Digital sponsorship is becoming popular due to it’s attractive medium and interactive and dynamic nature. It allows rich media such as video streaming and personalisation technologies. (Drennan & Cornwell, 2004) discuss how these attributes make it possible for sponsors to target their market more effectively, heighten involvement of their target audience, and measure the effectiveness…Continue Reading How can online sponsorship be used successfully as part of a digital marketing strategy? | gec12’s blog
Are you wondering how Social Media could impact your business? Here are 10 benefits every start-up company should know.. | Emily Gailer
The average person is reputedly exposed to 2,000 or more marketing messages every day, a figure that might take you by surprise! As Weber, (2009) states, marketers should participate, organise and encourage social networks in which people want to belong. This encourages vital engagement; instead of talking at customers, marketers can talk with them. The…Continue Reading Are you wondering how Social Media could impact your business? Here are 10 benefits every start-up company should know.. | Emily Gailer
The Things We Should Know About Blogging For SME’s. | sb653’s blog
The first important point to consider is that SME’s should not be considered as homogeneous and that this marketing technique may not be suitable for every business. It depends on the type of customers a business carries on whether a blog post is necessary or effective, for example, do the customers use or take notice…Continue Reading The Things We Should Know About Blogging For SME’s. | sb653’s blog
Smarter Information, Smarter Consumers – HBR
The goal of a good electronic-disclosure regime should be to ensure that consumers know what they’re getting and can compare products. The better consumers are able to understand the features and prices of the products and services they buy, the less regulators need to interfere. In the 2008 book Nudge, one of us (Thaler) and…Continue Reading Smarter Information, Smarter Consumers – HBR
What are the opportunities for digital marketing and the Internet of Things? | Econsultancy
Firstly, turning products into data-driven, owned interactive media. Once digitally activated, products become a platform for content, experiences and direct digital relationships with consumers. For instance, scanning products to access information that helps you get the most out of using it: tips and how-tos, or recipe information for food and drink, and so on. A…Continue Reading What are the opportunities for digital marketing and the Internet of Things? | Econsultancy