Is email marketing a good way for businesses to engage with their users & direct more traffic to their website? | pl67’s blog

Email is not dead. Waldow & Falls (2012) argue that emailing cannot be dead, when research has shown that 94% of us send or read emails every day, and most of us manage at least two accounts. Furthermore, for millennials, this number is even higher at 96%. So what does this show? That emailing is still an activity which is heavily engrained in our daily lives and habits; in fact, it is most likely to be our number one online activity.

With that being said, does it mean that email is an appropriate marketing method for companies to reach its target users? Firstly, it might be necessary to look at the pros and cons of each:

via Is email marketing a good way for businesses to engage with their users & direct more traffic to their website? | pl67’s blog.

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