YouTube Can Be An Essential Marketing Tool For Your Small Business | kls30’s blog

YouTube provides a simple way for people to store videos online and share them with others. Statistics show YouTube has the second largest search engine in the world(, 2015). This is behind Google, this means people are searching for information through YouTube and discover videos that relate to the specific topic (Gallo, 2008).

The YouTube analytics Provides data about each video you upload, so you can easily track how many views it gets, where people are coming from to find it and what type of people are watching it (Bain and Bain, 2013).

You can set up a YouTube channel for your business, this brings all of your videos together. Therefore you can customise your channel to reflect the correct company image. Your channel will have a URL that you can promote on your website or marketing material. As a result people can subscribe to your channel.

YouTube incorporates features that let businesses promote their videos to people who might be interested in them, targeting customers by demographics, topics or interests. Advertisers pay each time someone views their video. You can choose which locations your ad will appear in and what format it will be (Simply Business, 2015). YouTube’s advertising guide shows how it all works. Small businesses could do well to understand some of the many benefits of using YouTube in their Inbound Marketing Campaign

So what Does YouTube Do for a company?

via YouTube Can Be An Essential Marketing Tool For Your Small Business | kls30’s blog.

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