Few tips for local businesses to get your Facebook Strategy Started! | gf60’s blog

Facebook is currently simplifying the ease of access to online advertising for any offline business that did not have the resources to promote themselves in the past (Clark, 2014). With social networks everyone is connected no matter the geographic location, creating a powerful ecosystem. As agued by Nadkarni & Hofmann (2012), people wants to feel part of something and share their thoughts and experiences due to a need for self-presentation. This means that for both customers and businesses become easier to start a dialogue, which is beneficial for both sides. After all, if a business can satisfy customers’ needs, customers will be more willing to purchase its product or service. Moreover, having an account on a social network such as Facebook will provide the business owner with useful data, which can help analyse their market as never before and target directly most relevant audience.

via Few tips for local businesses to get your Facebook Strategy Started! | gf60’s blog.

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