Day: May 29, 2015

Mobile Apps – Do they really give you bang for your buck? | seh32’s blog

According to Rowntree (2015) mobile apps provide scope for huge amounts of customisation and a service that is fully built around the mobile experience, giving deeper, more tailored engagement for mobile users. Some argue a mobile site will do the job just as well and cheaper too (more on this later) but Haselmayr (2014) argues…Continue Reading Mobile Apps – Do they really give you bang for your buck? | seh32’s blog

A Native App or a Responsive Web for your Business? | Aline Oliveira

An increase popular option for companies that are looking to move into mobile, but lack the budgets to support separate apps for each mobile platform and without the needs of something more complex such as mobile web App. However, if you offer an existing web service for users logins and account management, a mobile app…Continue Reading A Native App or a Responsive Web for your Business? | Aline Oliveira