Day: April 23, 2015

How could E- word of mouth benefit your Tablet sector company? | em262’s blog

The following examples of eWOM will create an insight into the conversational exchanges that take place online and how this could have an impact on your organisations reputation. Highlighting the need to encourage positive eWOM and create outlets for consumers to post reviews in order to gain opinions and use them to consistently improve a…Continue Reading How could E- word of mouth benefit your Tablet sector company? | em262’s blog

Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Things to Consider! | sb653’s blog

Marketers have always known that the best recommendations come from a friend. This, in many ways, is the wholly grail of marketing. When a customer has a good experience with a product or service they likely recommend to a friend or review. On Facebook, the average action is shared with the average number of friends,…Continue Reading Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Things to Consider! | sb653’s blog

Could re-designing you’re website lead to less traffic and sales? | ik71’s blog

Here are a few common mistakes companies make when redesigning their websites: Changing page names How are your customers supposed to find you if you’ve moved URL and not told them! You run the risk of losing the equity of your old URL (Gallagher, 2015) Complicated restructuring Although your website will look new and probably…Continue Reading Could re-designing you’re website lead to less traffic and sales? | ik71’s blog

Email Marketing Personalisation: The good the bad and the ugly | Stef G’s blog

Truly personal brand experiences have become a desirable commodity for users, cutting through the cyber babble and striking a chord with target customers, who want to be treated as an individual, by quickly receiving content they want (The Marketer, 2012). Personalised relationships, are arguably the most important benefit for any sized business using digital media…Continue Reading Email Marketing Personalisation: The good the bad and the ugly | Stef G’s blog

Are QR Codes The Future Of Mobile Marketing or Q-uickly R-eplaceable? | jb590’s blog

In recent years, QR codes have been at the forefront of some very innovative digital marketing campaigns. In fact, overall usage increased by 4000% between 2011 and 2012, with 35-44 year olds being primary users (Matos, 2014). Therefore, it’s clear that QR Codes occupy a clear niche for multimedia marketing, due to being only one…Continue Reading Are QR Codes The Future Of Mobile Marketing or Q-uickly R-eplaceable? | jb590’s blog