Centre for Aquatic Environments

News and events from the Centre for Aquatic Environments

Picture of postdoctoral aquatic environments researcher Wulan sitting on river bank with stone bridge in background

New Paper Published by Centre member Dr Wulan Goagouw

Our Centre member Wulan Koagouw , in collaboration with Richard J. Hazell and Corina Ciocan, has a paper which has just been published. We are pleased to let you know that the final version of the article “Induction of apoptosis in the gonads of Mytilus edulis by metformin and increased temperature, via regulation of HSP70, CASP8, BCL2 and FAS” is now available online through this link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dtwf,ash~SOO

The paper has just been published in Marine Pollution Bulletin (Impact Factor 5.553, ranking it 3 out of 110 in Marine & Freshwater Biology), included in the Special Issue: Marine Multi Stressors. It looks at the effects of multiple stressors: the anti-diabetic drug metformin and its interaction with temperature, making this topic highly relevant with regards to the UN Decade of Oceans Science for Sustainable Development, highlighting the risk of climate change.

Anyone clicking on this link before November 28, 2021 will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect, which you are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required. Please read and share it amongst your networks!


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Suzanne Armsden • October 29, 2021

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