Planning Shoot 3 of The Stix – IN YOUR ROOTS

For the 3rd shoot of The Stix I want to explore the power of a trees roots, looking at their power to communicate to one and other beneath the surface and how they are able to transfer nutrience and knowledge to other trees through them. This will be my point of inspiration for the styling of the shoot.

I also intend on using angle to emphasis this narrative and message of human emotion by shooting from a low angle looking up to exaggerate the size of the tree and power that the tree poccesses/ resultantly making it both strong in nature but also vulnberable due to how exposed trees are due to their height.

For me the metaphor of trees communicating through roots is like a metaphor for the human brain

Playing with the idea of roots and plant communication being under the surface and the


To gain a greater under standing of tree communication and the science behind it I have been reading How to Read a Tree by Tristan Gooley. The book has been educational but also demonstrates how narrative can be used to add extra value to this through creative writing, Gooley formats the book as if you are going on a journey with him rather than him, talking directly to the reader within his text, which creates a sense of intimacy. The book also features a selection of beautifully simple monomchrome drawings like the ones pictured below, the images also add context to the text, giving the reader a clearer understanding of what is being explained whilst also being aesthetically pleasing.

For the Styling of the shoot I am focusing on Ethereal tones,

Photo/Coffee Table book research

Dream Baby Dream: (Los Angeles and California Photo Book, @Jimmymarble Photography Coffee Table Book)

By Jimmy Marble
Dream Baby Dream by Jimmy Marble is a collection of playful element of creative and positive text. Although this book aesethetic is more dreamy and brightly coloured than I intend mine to be the element of playfluness created in the written notes by the photographer to compliment each image is an effective touch – for me as a reader I feel this creates a more intimate feel and inisight into the photographers work and creative mindset.
This being said, within my own work I plan on adding pieces of creative writing alongside my image, that are short but thought provoking and continue the train of thought my photography takes the viewer on to maintain the feeling and action of an escapist narrative and feel for the reader. As I want my book to carry a natural flow through the pages, where the reader stays consumed and does not feel like they have to stop and pause to read overwhelming chunks of text.

Fruitless| Woven| Fallen

By Tanya Marcuse
Compared to the previous book Fallen Fruitless Woven by Tanya Marcuse, shares an aesthetic I find more visually appealing than the last book. The use of black and white, natural floral pastel colour palette compliments the forms of the natural objects. The colour brings out the pink and greens of the petals and dark colours of the branchs, that creates an omninous tone.
Graphically the combinations of full double spread bleed images and spreads with majority white space, means the readers eye is lead by the graphic design/placement of the images more engagingly, as it encouragers the reader to follow the images around the pages.
This book has been documented on the youtube chanel linked above creating a stop frame animation of flicking through the pages and playfully moving the printed book about, I like this as it creates a more tactile digital version and could bring a digital version of my book to life through video, for veiwers who do not access a digital copy.

Penultimate Tutorial

The most

What tone do I want to convey within the imagery? – dark/light/saturated

What do I want my reader to take from the work?  –

I need to consider further observations between my most recent shoot with Lexie and messaging. Such as ensuring the model looks imersed in the environment which I will be able to acheive by cropping in images and also selecting those where the model isn’t looking into the camera to help them look like “pretty.”

Dior Beauty, The Highlands and Lichen:

Over the Easter break I was able to do some freelance videography and social media content creation, on a partnership with Dior Beauty and the Royal Scotsman, as Dior where launching first Spa upon a train. This partnership created a bridge between fashion and skincare wellness as well as the benefits of outdoor wellness. As one of the main ideas was that you could receive a luxury treatment inside whilst taking in the views and travelling through the scenic Scottish Highlands and Nature.

Whilst on the trip the influencers were taken on a guided walk through the Highlands wearing the Dior clothing here I was able to film as they walked and on iPhone, while bigger teams used professional film cameras for bigger high res platforms. During the walk the guide told us about the unique Lichen that was found there due to the high air quality and atmosphere it was in. Removing the Lichen from the atmosphere it was grown in and bringing it even into more central Scotland causes it to die. Following on from this I have done some more research into Lichen within my sketchbook and I am planning on styling in response to its’ unique forms and nature.

This trip showed the value Fashion Houses are placing on spending time outdoors and outdoor wellness combining this with promotion of the products.


My main aims over the easter break are to firstly,  bring my sketchbook structure up to date. Although this doesn’t seem like the most urgent activity. I have learnt from previous projects that getting my sketchbook up to date allows me to gain clarity and focus on my final outcome from the project, I believe this is because it allows me to feel my thoughts are more organised as I can see my ideas and research laid out physically and ordered in stead of scattered in my head, this allows me to make the most sense out of them and connect them to each other, my existing work and research.

Secondly I want to have the drafts for at least solid skeletons or Lichen, the Oak and Year of the Rabbit complete text wise. As well as 2 of the shoots done and ready to edit. I intend on using my extension so am currently working towards the 19th May as my final deadline however, I want to have my shoots ready well in advance so I can get good feedback and advice from my tutors.

When returning – Solid structure.