Work in Progress Exhibition Reflection



I found the work in progress exhibition really benifitical in seeing how we engage with work in an exhbition space and how different art can be interpreted in different spaces.

For my wip I wanted to encapsulate  my interest in fashion photography with an early stage image from the investigation project and introduce layering of natural objects, I did this by creating a frame from undyed strings and sticks, to show the relationship and layering between the nature to human touch to digital and reintroducing the sticks over the top.I wanted this to be tactile so much as visual, allowing the viewer to touch the sticks as if they are stepping into the picture. The inlucisivty of touch and the natural world is something I feel could be improved by working using a larger scale.


Continue using natural objects but within the garmenet styling within the shoot its self looking at the concept and trned of “Scavenged Beauty” that according to WGSN has developed from Mudlarking a niche activity that became popular during the Covid-Pandemic. Old found objects to create new things – using what we have – digging for exisiting objects to find unique ones.

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