Unplugged Computing
The aim of my computing lesson, delivered to thirty Year 5 children, was to create a simple algorithm for an unplugged activity. The lesson was linked to the KS2 computing national curriculum which states that children should understand simple algorithms using logical reasoning. The lesson revolved around Scratch as the previous assessment of the children showed although they were familiar with the commands their sequencing was often not achieving the required outcome. Their main task was to write down the commands of how the Sprite would move across the island (shown below). However, they were given laminated copies of the map so they could physically move the laminated Sprite to understand exactly what their commands meant.
The pupils’ learning was supported by a whole class demonstration were we pretended the classroom was the island and the class had to move a volunteer to the correct places by choosing the correct Scratch blocks. This gave them a clear visual input of exactly what each command did hence increasing their repertoire of commands whilst demonstrating exactly how precise their commands needed to. Both are essential in understanding how to code and program (Turvey, Potter and Burton, 2016).
In addition, the pupils’ learning was supported by working collaboratively in pairs. Vygotsky argued the construction of knowledge depends on social interaction and a pupil’s ‘zone of proximal development’ can be aided by problem-solving with capable peers. Moreover, by discussing ideas, being challenged and voicing opinion an authentic learning experience was created. (John and Wheeler, 2008, pp.39-40; Cernochova, 2015, p.72). This, in turn, should deepen pupil’s logical reasoning because they have to explain exactly why their algorithm would work to their partner.
In hindsight, the lesson should have included technical language. Turvey, Potter, Burton in their book state the recent National Curriculum contains specialist language specific to computer science such as algorithms, sequencing, debugging and many more (2016, p.116). However, although the children understood they were creating a sequence they had never heard of the word algorithm or debugging. Therefore, I believe I should have used and explained these specific terms for the children to gain a better understanding of the language in computing.
Another aspect of the lesson I would have altered is at the end we carried out peer feedback but this lost the pupil’s attention as by this point the majority of the class understood sequencing. However, if I showed them problems in a sequence and they had to solve them this would have expanded their computational thinking into debugging. Furthermore, Berry’s 2013 guide mentions using selection which refers to instructions depending on certain conditions being met. Furthermore, repetition with instructions repeating on a loop. For the higher ability children in the class, the sequencing task was too easy and they understood the precise nature of the commands with ease. Therefore, an extra unplugged input of repetition and selection would have expanded their learning. For example, a pedestrian crossing problem if it is safe they can cross the road but if not it repeats back to the start (Turvey, Potter and Burton, 2016, p.120). This would have expanded the higher abilities logical reasoning in this lesson.
In spite of the adaptations I would make to this lesson in the future it did increase the children’s familiarity with scratch commands and taught them the precise nature of an algorithm. Therefore, in the next lesson when they used Scratch to create a story about their sprites they were able to create more complex commands and explain exactly what their sprite would do before pressing on the start button.
Turvey, K., Potter, J., Burton, J. (2016) Primary Computing and Digital Technologies: Knowledge Understanding and Practice (7th Ed.), London: Sage.
Cernochova, M. (2015) “Philosophy and Computing”, In Willaims, L. (Ed). Introducing Computing: A guide for teacher. New York: Routledge.
John, D., Wheeler, S. (2008) The Digital Literacy Classroom: Harnessing Technology For the Future. New York: Routledge