Find out about the recent Fine Art Printmaking schools project
The Fine Art Printmaking schools project, which is funded by a kind donation, was recently delivered as four-day long workshops by Lead Artist/Facilitator, alumna, Zoe Pritchard – 2 days at Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA), 2 days at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy (BACA), and a workshop led by Zoe and current University of Brighton Level 5 students in the Print Workshop at Grand Parade, combined with lunch and a visit to the Level 6 degree show. The project was attended by over 40 students ranging from school years 9 to 12 as part of the university’s outreach programme.
The workshops focussed on dry point etching using chine colle, and woodcut with the Level 5 students supporting in the generation of ideas, companion working, press operation and keeping the workplace clear and smooth running.
Zoe Pritchard, Lead Artist/Facilitator:
“We had some lovely feedback during our time at PACA on the first day, a few students came up to myself within the first hour and said how happy that they were that we came to their school and had given them the opportunity to explore something new, and how they loved the printmaking processes! Like usual, they were excited at the opportunity to be in the presence of our second years.”
Amber Hanrahan, Outreach Coordinator, University of Brighton:
“The school students seemed really engaged in this project and will have benefited greatly from having this interactive day which is so different to a normal school day. As well as the creative elements of this day, I believe that the input from university students sharing their work and their experiences, will have been greatly valued.”
Jane Fox, Senior Lecturer:
“The Schools Project is a wonderful learning experience for the Fine Art Printmaking students who are interested in facilitation and collaboration processes alongside developing their individual arts practice. Alumni lead artist Zoe Pritchard, current students and young people from BACA and PACA come together around the printing presses in creative ways, introducing woodcut and intaglio printmaking techniques and really bringing the subject alive on all fronts. The project enhances the teaching and learning here on Fine Art Printmaking, and allows for real engagement with the wider Brighton community in tangible and exciting ways”.
In addition, Level 5 students were given an optional and additional opportunity to help deliver a ‘frottage for print’ workshop for young people from BHASVIC. In addition to their studies, five Printmaking students were supported to devise, prepare the materials and resources for, and deliver parts of the workshop – in order to build on their skills and test out taking the lead in sections of the workshop. This has been an exciting development this year, and was also highly engaging for the participants.