University of Brighton Alumni Association

Mark Adams with four students

Honouring Sally Adams: Empowering Nursing Students Through Family’s Epic Fundraising Challenges

Nursing students are awarded life-changing placement opportunities via the Sally Adams Scholarship, supported by Sally’s husband Mark and family, who have undertaken some epic sponsored treks to honour Sally’s memory.

Establishing the Sally Adams Scholarship

Established to honour the legacy of Sally Adams, a highly valued member of the nursing administration team at the University, this scholarship is supported by Sally’s family and friends in recognition of her dedication to the students she worked with.

Sally’s family shared “Sally loved her job at the University, especially interacting with and helping the students. She was passionate about enhancing the learning experience.”

The scholarship enables nursing students to undertake a 2–4-week placement that would otherwise be financially inaccessible. Past recipients have benefited from diverse opportunities, including placements at UK-based research facilities and work experience in emergency surgeries overseas.

Mark Adams’ epic 2024 fundraising challenges

Sally’s husband, Mark Adams, has been instrumental in fundraising for the scholarship. Completing four ultra-marathon walks in 2024 totalling a whopping 200km, Mark raised £645 to support Brighton students. His challenges included:

Virtual London Marathon (April 2024)

A 42 km solo trek along the South West Coast path from Swanage to Lulworth. Mark shared “It was my own choice of location and course, and I had forgotten how much climbing I would have to do, 3,825 feet in total.” Mark completed this in an impressive 8 hours 31 minutes.

Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge (May 2024) 

Accompanied by his nephew Greg, Mark hiked 58km as part of an organised event from Corfe Castle to Weymouth. This route involved even more climbing, with an elevation totalling 5,333 feet. Mark reflected “This challenge was tough, especially the last 10km where we just concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. Greg and I were also treated to a fantastic thunderstorm in the last couple of hours, soaking us to the skin.” They reached the finish line in 13 hours 11 minutes.

South West Ultra Challenge (August 2024)

A 50km circuit starting from Minehead, Mark completed this gruelling trek solo. “The weather was kind and there was only 4,988 feet of climbing however, as one of the Marshals commented, the climbing was very ‘in your face’.” It took 2.5 hours of solid climbing to reach the highest point in Exmoor, Dunkery Beacon. Mark completed this in 10 hours 52 minutes.

Thames Path Ultra Challenge (September 2024) 

Once again accompanied by nephew Greg along with Mark’s brother John, Mark completed another 50 km walk from Putney to Runnymede along the Thames Path. “Virtually no climbing this time (171 feet) but unrelenting tarmac and gravel. The weather was perfect; warm with no rain.” The team completed the route in 10 hours.

Mark Adams at the end of a a run with a sign behind him saying finisher

Mark’s incredible adventures have supported this year’s scholarship recipients to access crucial work placements whilst studying at Brighton. This year, Mark is planning to walk 6 Marathons/Ultra Walks ranging from 42 – 75km to raise further funds for the scholarship.  You can support Mark in his next set of fundraising challenges to support nursing students by visiting the Sally Adams Scholarship just giving page.

Meeting the students who received the Sally Adams Scholarship

Mark Adams, four students and six staff sitting around a table talking

Learn more about student funding opportunities and how your support can transform the lives of Brighton students:

Impact of fundingnursenursingplacement oppoortunitiesplacementsSally Adams Scholarshipscholarshipstudent fundingstudent nursesstudent placements

Alex Petrovic • March 18, 2025

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