Advanced Engineering Centre



Progress on re-utilization of waste methane

Dr. Penny Atkins recently published in the journal Energies (IP 2.702) a very interesting work exploring the use of upcycled methane in transport in SE England, tapping into local waste sources of methane – such as farm silage, landfill and… Continue Reading →

ESA ENCOM Project to start its fourth iteration!

The ENCOM-4 (Enhanced CONdenser in Microgravity) research project is aimed at the experimental and numerical study of condensation and its applications in ground and space conditions. In this prestigious ESA project, the AEC is represented by Dr. Anastasios Georgoulas and… Continue Reading →

Next-Generation Drills to help source sustainable geothermal energy. 

An exciting new collaboration between AEC, GA Drilling, Advanced Analysis and  MTech-UK Associates, funded by Innovate UK, will be looking at next-generation drills that can help to source sustainable geothermal energy. The aim of the project is to offer an… Continue Reading →

Fourth SWEP Workshop coming to Brighton in Hybrid form!

The Advanced Engineering Centre is very proud to announce that the fourth iteration of the SWEP Workshop (Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena) will be held from the 6th- 8th of October 2021, at the The Grand Hotel in… Continue Reading →

New Publication on Pulsating Heat Pipe for Space Applications

Thanks to a recent collaboration with the Universities of Parma and Pisa, under the ESA MAP Project TOPDESS, a new publication was added to Prof Marengo‘s and the AEC already stellar list. The paper is entitled ” Thermal characterization of… Continue Reading →

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