Advanced Engineering Centre



New Grant from the Russia Science Foundation on kerosene droplets

Recently Professor Sergei Sazhin brought the AEC another prestigious win with the project entitled “Development of the models of kerosene surrogate droplet heating and evaporation”. This project, led by Professor Elena Shchepakina from the Samara National Research University (Russia), will… Continue Reading →

Fourth SWEP Workshop coming to Brighton in Hybrid form!

The Advanced Engineering Centre is very proud to announce that the fourth iteration of the SWEP Workshop (Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena) will be held from the 6th- 8th of October 2021, at the The Grand Hotel in… Continue Reading →

Prestigious Future Leaders Fellowship grant awarded to Dr. Rybdylova!

In 2020, applied mathematician and expert in fluid mechanics Dr Oyuna Rybdylova, Principal Lecturer, was awarded a prestigious Future Leaders Fellowship and received a grant of £1.1m. The four-year project began in February 2021 and aims to develop and test… Continue Reading →

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