New Publication on CFD simulations on surface wettability in micro-channels

Kostantinos Vontas, PhD Student under a Marie Curie/DTA fellowship, published his most recent work on the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF 4.947), entitled “The effect of surface wettability on flow boiling characteristics within microchannels“. The process of… Continue Reading →

New Grant from the Russia Science Foundation on kerosene droplets

Recently Professor Sergei Sazhin brought the AEC another prestigious win with the project entitled “Development of the models of kerosene surrogate droplet heating and evaporation”. This project, led by Professor Elena Shchepakina from the Samara National Research University (Russia), will… Continue Reading →

Progress in Prediction of Pre-Combustion Processes

A new work generated from collaboration of our Prof Sergei Sazhin with Alexandria University (Egypt), Coventry University (UK), Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabian public petroleum and natural gas company), Arab Academy for Science (Egypt),  King Abdullah University of Science and Technology… Continue Reading →

ESA ENCOM Project to start its fourth iteration!

The ENCOM-4 (Enhanced CONdenser in Microgravity) research project is aimed at the experimental and numerical study of condensation and its applications in ground and space conditions. In this prestigious ESA project, the AEC is represented by Dr. Anastasios Georgoulas and… Continue Reading →

MDPI Energies Prestigious Guest Editor positions for two members of the AEC!

Principal Lecturer and multi-phase flow modelling expert Dr. Anastasios Georgoulas and Director of the Advanced Engineering Centre Prof. Marco Marengo have both been recently appointed to editorial roles in the MDPI Open Access Journal Energies (IP 2.702). Prof. Marengo has… Continue Reading →

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