The Advanced Engineering Centre is very proud to announce that the fourth iteration of the SWEP Workshop (Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena) will be held from the 6th- 8th of October 2021, at the The Grand Hotel in Brighton, UK as well as online. The even is chaired by AEC Director Prof. Marco Marengo and Prof. Joel De Coninck, from the University of Mons.

The workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers to exchange knowledge on two-phase flows experiments, modelling and simulation, to discuss with worldwide experts their current research, and to propose a better comprehension on the effect of surface wettability on phase-change phenomena.

Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
• Mathematical models and computational techniques for phase change processes
• Experimental techniques to measure the effects of different wettability on phase change phenomena
• Molecular dynamics simulations of phase change phenomena
• Multiscale simulations for boiling, condensation and ice formation
• Mesoscale phenomena
• Surface inhomogeneities enhanced phase transitions

Following the success of the previous three editions, we will have only invited lectures for the oral presentations and a number of posters spread in two sessions. For consideration, please send your abstract to by the 31st of July 2021. Registration opens on the 1st of July 2021.

For more information, visit the Workshop website .

Below you can find a list of the invited speakers.


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