Prof Robert Morgan has been awarded a project through the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) ARMED program, of which the AEC is an APC Spoke. This is a short project of 7 months but will be employing 10 UoB staff members directly included Robert Morgan as the PI.
RE-ARMD accelerates advancement to market readiness demonstration for the Recuperated Split Cycle Engine, a revolutionary heavy duty thermal propulsion system that offers fuel-cell levels of efficiency (55%BTE), near-zero emissions (5% EuVI NOx), and ability to transition to sustainable fuels such as biomethane and hydrogen. The project combines industrial and academic expertise to improve the engine’s efficiency and emissions and validate a hydrogen combustion system with a unique ability for rapid conversion of a base liquid fuel unit. Outputs are a demonstrator engine, and legacy of improved technology, facilities and virtual tools in readiness for a future APC application and commercialisation. The research will focus on the demonstration of the split cycle combustion system on net zero fuels such as hydrogen and bio-methane. This will be done using both simulations and experiments to demonstrate the split cycle engine can deliver a clean, sustainable solution for the commercial vehicle sector.
This project comes on the back of the purchase of the intellectual property developed by the university and Ricardo by Case New Holland (part of the Fiat and owner of the Iveco truck brand).
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