My 55-Word narrative

As part of my module I have been tasked with using a tool which combines ‘steam of consciousness’ writing with a short 55-word narrative about my project.

Here’s the task, step by step with my response.

  • Start by writing a very free stream of consciousness account of your project. Ignoring all punctuation and spelling accuracy – for a period of 5 minutes.  Be as quick as you can and then read out what you have written. Look out for anything strange – repetitive or unusual.

The repetitive motion of the burnigshing, the lines and the forms, the turning of the wheel head spinning the clay as it molds and forms in the hand. Watching carefully as the fform realises. I wait I contemplate the form is it right do I feel that ive succeeded what is success lkines constant moving changing evolving no long what they once were but not about the finished result about the evolution the change and the adaption waiting for the kiln to open the axiety of clay the peaceful nature of the making the juxtpostion of it all finding a blanace finding yourself wand seeing hwat it measn to be peaceful no MINDful in practise. The heart slows the pace drops the turning turning turning of the tools on the clay the sunlight glistening and warming youas you work the sterady pace givs you an outcome a target something to truly find yourself within the practise of craft the nothingness and absence being in the moment and seeing every speckle of clay as it shines in the sunblight the surface reflective, warm hues of orange red and yellow, bathuing the clay. Inticing, seeing the time and energy that the vessel has collected weithin its body, the nergy of the maker, of the kiln, of the ground.

These are the words which I took from my ‘stream of consciousness’





This is exactly as I wrote it, with no changes made, try and decipher what I have written :).

  • Now write a story using one of the seven basic plots attached. It could be anything – actually some of the best were about quite mundane things that we can all identify with (e.g. waking up and having a wash) They have to be exactly 55 words long – not a single word longer or shorter –  the title is not counted but must be less that seven words. 


I wake. Mouth like sandpaper. Not wanting to expose my eyes to the light I stumble half-asleep though the darkness, mug in hand. I fumble to turn the tap and waste no time. The cold porcelain touches my lips as I desperately sate my thirst. I collapse back into bed. Now I have to pee…

  • Now write out a statement about your own work in the style of one of the basic plots. 55 words exactly and then post it to your blog however mad it seems.


Your peacefulness within is shattered by an invisible demon you only recognise as Anxiety. It waits, watching with intent, waiting eagerly for the words “I can’t do this.” The demon can only be slain with the strength that lies not in muscles, but the within oneself. Steady your breath, calm your mind. Keep. Moving. Forward.

I really enjoyed the writing project and look forward to using it again in the future.