Module: Introduction to Inclusive Arts Practice

This project was a taught Widening Participation undergraduate option module called Introduction to Inclusive Arts Practice. It took place in Semester 2, 2014.

The module provides a practical introduction to Inclusive Arts Practice in which students have the opportunity to gain arts facilitation and collaboration skills whilst working with adults with learning disabilities in supported arts workshops.

In addition, this project was a pilot for two innovative approaches which reflect the research areas of the IAP staff team:

  • to pilot the inclusion of a learning disabled artist in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the project
  • to explore how the whole group could collaborate within the framework of a live communication design brief

iiap group

Students worked alongside the Arts Council funded learning disabled Rocket Artists Group ( to establish some key philosophies and practices that would also be suitable for working with other community groups.

The module was taught through a series of participatory arts workshop sessions run by Jo Offer, lecturer in Inclusive Arts, Adam Thorpe lecturer and researcher in Co-design at CSM and Kelvin Burke, Rocket Artist who co-delivered the project at Grand Parade and Phoenix Arts studio, Brighton.  Students worked 1:1 with a learning disabled artist and were supported throughout the day by staff, including additional briefing and de-briefing sessions at the start and end of each day.

Students also received disability awareness training seminars before and during the practical sessions to support their understanding of the broader issues that may be at play during the workshops

Students also carried out guided independent study, to include:

  • Reflection on practical experiential learning.
  • Preparation of journal

Students of Inclusive Arts Practice have the opportunity to understand how this exciting creative process can be mutually beneficial and inspiring to both art students and their learning disabled collaborators, who often have a uniquely creative eye.

Aims of the module:

  1. To introduce and explore creative processes of inclusive working in practical arts workshops sessions with people with learning disabilities
  2. To frame these collaboration/facilitation arts workshop skills in ethical and appropriate practice
  3. To support further understanding of how working with artists with learning disabilities can inspire and enhance your own creative practice.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Develop the arts facilitation/collaboration skills required to work alongside people with learning disabilities in arts workshops
  2. Learn how to work appropriately and ethically with a range of vulnerable people with complex needs.
  3. Develop self refection skills around practical experiences of inclusive arts practice


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