What’s All The This Hype Around Voice Recognition Technology Anyway? Key Points of Interest, Key Risk and Some Important Information.

Voice Recognition Technology (www.motocms.com)

In 2018 Boyd notes that voice is the future and according to some big brands such as Apple and shipped out which includes Siri and Cortana respectively. In 2004 an anonymous source highlights that as voice recognition technology becomes more complex, their accuracy increases, providing opportunities for increased security. This shows scope for use of voice recognition to improve safety within a business. Voice recognition allows for development of business function as security checks can be strengthened through its implementation however there are some risk factors which need to be taken into account before considering introducing voice recognition into your business.

Key Points of Interest

Voice Recognition Makes The User Feel Heard + Continues To Improve

In 2017 Chowdhury’s Blog in Venture Beat highlights that making the users feel heard is key with implementation of voice recognition technology. Confirmations and acknowledgements are pivotal in allowing users to feel heard as it is same confirmations that users look for when speaking to a human. The development of voice recognition has allowed the technology to replicate human conversation and with the massive growth of interest in the area, developments will only continue to make the technology better. In 1998 Fass highlights that real estate agents have been using voice recognition technology to find out information about properties and also speed up their clients buying process in order to get them to the top of the list. This technology has been in use for 20 years and has already been speeding up the users transaction times. In 2017 Myers notes that Microsoft can now transcribe human speech with a 5.1% error rate therefore its development since then, and planned development for the future means that this technology could outperform human agents sooner rather than later. The graph below from Kleiner Perkins in 2017 shows voice recognition accuracy has been improving since 2013, and is nearing 100% accuracy.

Voice Recognition Makes Websites More Viable For Everyone.

In 2018 Discover Technologies highlights that Voice Recognition has become an intelligent software product, able to teach itself to recognise one’s particular voice patterns so that there is no need to interact with a computer or a keyboard or mouse. This has made websites more accessible for people of all abilities therefore it is key in ensuring that any voice technologies deployed can be activated and used without relying on a keyboard or mouse. In 1994 Blenkhorn notes that speech synthesis technology is increasingly being used to enhance products as well as  to make them more accessible to blind and visually impaired people therefore it is pivotal to use these technologies in order to cater for that market.

A great piece of content which highlights some more key points can be found

>>HERE<< and >>HERE<<

Key Risk

Scrutiny Agains’t Voice Recognition

In 2017 ExpressVPN highlight that voice technology requires smart devices that are constantly listening and potentially recording users which threatens user and business information. In 2017 The Independent exposed Google’s new Home Mini voice assistant which had been spying on some of its users, due to a “phantom” issue. This can effect users outlook on the brand and make them believe that they are irresponsible as well as the possibility of security risks due to the inactive recording. In 2016 Bennakhi highlights that the progression of sophisticated technologies such as voice recognition makes for more comfort and entertainment but recent security threats and distractions have been uncovered with the upsurge usage of new technologies. Voice recognition can definitely benefit users however the risks involved are huge. The fact that these types of technologies are constantly updating means that they are hard to monitor and keep safe however if they can act as a sufficient boost to efficiency then businesses may decide to take on the risk if it remains smaller than the reward.   

A great piece of content which notes more about the risks of voice technology can be found


Siri Hack  (www.gadgets.ndtv.com)

Important Information

Voice Technology Devices Are On The Rise

In 2018 WEBITMD highlight that voice recognition devices in the household are increasing and the graph by Forrester below shows that smart home devices will be used in more than 60 million homes by 2022. The sheer growth of these smart home devices show that voice recognition technology is growing and being more universally accepted all over the world. In 2017 Business Wire highlight that the global voice recognition market is expected to reach a market size of $126.5 billion by 2023 therefore it is clearly a booming market with more space to grow which means that the venture can be profitable. In 2006 Carneiro notes that by understanding the capacities of these technologies and their adequacy to each business you can achieve excellence, enhance productivity, and strengthen competitiveness.

A great piece of content which highlights more important information on voice recognition can be found



  • Anonymous (2004) “The History of Voice Recognition Technology”, Information Management Journal, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 54.
  • Bennakhi, A. & Safar, M. (2016) “Ambient Technology in Vehicles: The Benefits and Risks”, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 83, pp. 1056-1063.
  • Blenkhorn, P. (1994) “Designing products that speak: lessons from talking systems for blind people”, Computing & Control Engineering Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 172.
  • Boyd, C. (2018) The Past, Present, and Future of Speech Recognition Technology, Available at: https://medium.com/swlh/the-past-present-and-future-of-speech-recognition-technology-cf13c179aaf (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Brandon, J. (2017) Google is recording everything you say to a bot, Available at: http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/security/google-is-recording-everything-you-say-to-a-bot/news-story/fcf90d5c6b20acb9cf35d1e6c029a3ac (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Buckner, A. (2017) 5 best practices for implementing voice marketing in 2018, Available at: https://venturebeat.com/2017/12/15/5-best-practices-for-implementing-voice-marketing-in-2018/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Carneiro, A. (2006) “Adopting new technologies”, Handbook of Business Strategy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 307-312.
  • Discover Technologies (2018) Dragon – Speech Recognition Software for Blind People, Available at: https://discovertechnologies.com/blog/dragon-speech-recognition-software-for-blind/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • ExpressVPN (2017) The Siri-ous benefits and dangers of voice technology, Available at: https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/siri-voice-technology-benefits-dangers/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Fass, A (2003) ‘Speak Easy’, Forbes, 171, 1, pp. 135-136, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 April 2018.
  • Gadgets 360 (2017) Siri, WeChat and Other Apps May Put You at Risk of Voice Hacking: Study , Available at: https://gadgets.ndtv.com/apps/news/siri-wechat-and-other-apps-may-put-you-at-risk-of-voice-hacking-study-1708501 (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Google (2014) Behind the Mic: The Science of Talking with Computers, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxxRAHVtafI (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Moyers, S. (2018) Voice Recognition Technology Vs. Graphic User Interface, Available at: https://www.motocms.com/blog/en/voice-recognition-technology/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Myers, E. (2017) Little Known Facts About Speech Recognition Technology, Available at: https://www.temi.com/blog/2017/10/11/little-known-facts-about-speech-recognition-technology/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Saunders, J. (2018) It’s a Voice-First World, Is Your Content Optimized for It?, Available at: http://webitmd.com/blog/advanced-seo/its-a-voice-first-world-is-your-content-optimized-for-it/ (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • TheDrum (2017) NEWS The Future of Audio: Better Voice, Deeper Personalization and Richer Immersion, Available at: http://www.thedrum.com/news/2017/03/06/the-future-audio-better-voice-deeper-personalization-and-richer-immersion (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • The Independent (2017) Google Home Mini secretly recorded everything its owner said, Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/google-home-mini-secretly-recording-everything-you-say-voice-assistant-my-activity-a7994261.html (Accessed: 6th April 2018).
  • Wood, L. (2017) Voice Recognition Market – Expected to Reach $126.5 Billion by 2023 – Research and Markets, Available at: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20171213005500/en/Voice-Recognition-Market—Expected-Reach-126.5 (Accessed: 6th April 2018).

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