Graduates 2024: Darryl Madsen: MA Fine Art

Brighton is a beautiful and colourful city that celebrates and encourages people to express themselves.

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

I make acrylic paintings about my experience with obsession, parasocial relationship and growing up with access to the internet. My work is informed and inspired by online art, furry subculture, and visual novels.

Can you tell us a bit about what brought you to doing a postgraduate degree and this course in particular?

When I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in digital Animation, I didn’t yet feel ready to set foot into the industry. I had more I wanted to experiment with in art which included traditional mediums. I felt like going on the Fine Art MA course would help me explore my artistic expression further.

Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice.

The Fine Art course allows for a lot of experimentation and pushing the boundaries of the definition of art. On this course, the pressure to create art that is marketable or follows any rules is eliminated.

Were there any staff who particularly inspired you?

Paul Sermon, a lecturer at the university, gave a great presentation that made for a great introduction to the Fine Art course. He shared with us some inspiring work of his and very helpful research and practice techniques within art.

What does Brighton mean to you now?

Brighton is a beautiful and colourful city that celebrates and encourages people to express themselves.

What are your plans after graduation?

After I graduate I will be moving to London to look for work.



Instagram: casinovocain

Twitter/X: casinovocain

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