Graduates 2024: Amy King: MA Fine Art

Through tutorials with knowledgeable lecturers, and information sharing with peers, I have learnt a lot about what interests and motivates me as an artist.  I have been introduced to a variety of research areas, such as psychogeography and hauntology, as well as photographic theorists, which has all informed my practice.

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

Just before starting the MA I discovered an old family camera and decided to see if it was still working.  I had to source expired film online due to its age, but I found the imperfect results really inspiring.  This began my interest in learning analogue photography techniques, which I have developed during the last two years on the course.  I have a background of working in museum archives so this very much influences my work too.

My recent practice has been looking at the history of the UK telephone network.  This has included my own childhood memories of rotary landlines and using public payphones, along with museum research about the local telephone exchange and oral history accounts by former employees.

Can you tell us a bit about what brought you to doing a postgraduate degree and this course in particular?

Before starting my museum career 20 years ago I intended to study MA Fine Art at Brighton, and even visited the university to look around.  I was impressed by the extensive facilities, knowledgeable staff and friendly atmosphere.  The timing wasn’t right though, having just accepted my first role at the V&A Museum.  However, I always hoped I would eventually find my way back to Brighton, it just took a little longer than expected!


Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice.

I have really enjoyed the academic side of the course.  Through tutorials with knowledgeable lecturers, and information sharing with peers, I have learnt a lot about what interests and motivates me as an artist.  I have been introduced to a variety of research areas, such as psychogeography and hauntology, as well as photographic theorists, which has all informed my practice.


Were there any staff who particularly inspired you?

The technical team in the Photographic Services Unit have been really supportive.  They are generous with their time and knowledge sharing, and I have learnt such a lot from them. The training I received in the dark room and on B&W processing was particularly valuable, as was their technical advice on individual works and methods.

I am also very grateful for the creative support that the course leader, Amy Cunningham, has given us.  Our discussions during my mentoring sessions were particularly inspiring, and she always goes above and beyond to provide the tools we need as individuals to ensure we all reach our potential.


What does Brighton mean to you now?

I have really enjoyed spending more time in Brighton. It’s such a vibrant and creative city.  I hope to continue to make connections within the creative community of Brighton by getting involved in exhibitions and events, as well as returning to work in the heritage sector.


What are your plans after graduation?

I intend to continue the art making momentum that regular study has given me.  It has motivated me to find the time and space in my busy family life to dedicate to creativity.  Several projects are already in discussion with fellow artists on the course, and we plan to continue to meet regularly to support one another creatively.  I’m particularly interested in finding unusual venues to take inspiration from and to exhibit at.


Finally what would you say to anyone considering post-graduate study?

It’s never too late to pursue or continue your academic journey.  Even if you have been away from study for many years like myself, you will find the support you need at the university to succeed and feel proud of what you can achieve.

Find out more about Sequential Design/Illustration

See more of Amy’s work:


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